68. Can be Killed

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'Have you ever been down here, Your Grace?' Qyburn asked

'No, I can't say I have...' Cersei answered stiffly.

'I haven't seen these since Robert had them removed from the throne room. Curious that King Robert did not have them destroyed.'

'They were his trophies. He couldn't keep them around. They would have made him look small.' Cersei remarked. 'Sometimes he would come down here and look at them. I believe he brought his whores on occasion.'

'Balerion the Dread. The beast that Aegon rode across the sea. His flames forged the Iron Throne and brought the Seven Kingdoms to heel.'

'Powerful... but not invincible.'

'Apparently, one of Daenerys and Deaneel's dragons was wounded by spears in the fighting pits of Meereen.'

'And if they can be wounded, they can be killed.' Cersei said happily

'The finest artillators and blacksmiths in King's Landing have been laboring day and night, Your Grace. If you'll kindly pull that lever.' Qyburn said happily


'Lady Olenna, may I speak with you alone?' Danny asked and she nodded settling back into her seat. 'I realize you're here out of hatred for Cersei and not love for me. But I swear to you, she will pay for what she's done. And we will bring peace back to Westeros.'

'Peace?' Olenna questioned 'Do you think that's what we had under your father?' she looked between the twins. 'Or his father? Or his? Peace never lasts, my dear. Will you take a bit of advice from an old woman? He's a clever man, your Hand.'

'I agree, that is why our dragons have not eaten him.' Neely informed her, Olenna stared over at Neely a moment longer the smuggest of smiles on Neelys face before looking back to Danny.

'I've known a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them. The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep?'


'You're a dragon. Be a dragon.' Olenna told her There was a knock on the door.


'You leave tomorrow. Were you going to say goodbye?' Missandei asked Grey.

'I will see you when I return.' He answered.

'But you don't know when that will be.' She answered.

'No one knows.'

'I wish you good fortune.' Missandei told him softly.

'Missandei. It is hard for me to say goodbye to you.' Grey admitted.


'You know why.' Grey told her.

'I don't.'

'Y-you are my weakness.'

'That's what I am? Your weakness?' Missandei questioned.

'When Unsullied are young, the masters learn their fears. One boy is scared of dogs, one boy hates high places, one is frightened of the ocean. They make the boy sleep with dogs or climb a cliff. They throw him in the water. If he learns to swim, good. If he drowns, good. Either way, strong Unsullied. But I had no fears. I was never the biggest, never the strongest... but I was bravest, always.'

'- I believe it.'


But yara and theon didnt make it like danny and tyrion had planned. They were attacked by their uncle. Fire rained down upon their ships. Burning the wood to embers as blades bashed against each other. Slicing and stabbing everyone falling eventually.

Theon watched hopelessly. He felt like reek all over again. Helpless and weak, a coward. He jumped ship. While yara and Their dornish friends were being taken captive.

'Our ironborn and Dornish allies were attacked en route to Dorne.'

'- And?'

'- Two or three ships escaped, the rest, sunk or captured. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, dead or captured. The Greyjoys, dead or captured.'

'All of them?'

'Pull! Heave! Pull!' the men were grunting as they got ashore.

'Your sister's dead?' Danny asked

'Euron has her.' Theon answered.

'You saw him take her?' he nodded '- But you got away?'

'I couldn't save her. I tried.' Theon told her.

'You wouldn't be here if you tried.' Neely told him honestly. 

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now