75. Dracarus

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Bronn was sick of lannister's. There would always be another war, the Lannister garrison was under attack by the dothraki army and Daenerys Targaryen herself. After Bronns complaints about not being paid he requests high garden as a suitable payment.

'You're crazy I'm not giving you high garden.' Jaime told him.

'right right so Lord of castery rock?' bronn questioned and Jaime rolled his eyes annoyed 'you're not using it.'

'we can discuss when... what is that?' Jaime questioned.

'nothing good.' Bronn remarked. Dothraki man stood tall and murderous before them. 'Get back to Kings Landing.' Bronn told Jamie

'I'm not abandoning my army.' Jaime told him nervously as they looked out at the dothraki army.

'your commander not a damn infantry man those fuckers are about to swamp us.' Bronn reminded him as the Dothraki army got closer

'We can hold them off.' Jaime said but then they saw the dragon, one giant dragon swooping down over the field and two white haired Targaryen riding it as she flamed down the Lannister armies as if they were nothing. the men were on fire burning to a crisp falling to their deaths. The Dothraki army rode through the fire as the Lannister forces retreated it was madness in chaos but Jaime demanded they hold the line they could fight men. A dragon no but then they could fight but most of the Dothraki army easily penetrated the Lannister's army Jamie and Bronn looked around at the madness around them there was more coming in more still more yet. Spears and arrows swords flying through the air and then fire fire rained down again on them

'Archers with me archers with me!' Jaime said 'knock... draw...' they pointed at the dragon as it came swooping down upon them. 'LOOSE!' Jamie shouted. The arrows ricocheted off the dragon scales but still the dragon swoop down veering course but causing just as much damage

'I can't shoot with one hand .' Jaime told Bronn 'I need you to do it.' Jaime used a sword as Bronn went to find a weapon hopefully more useful in defeating a dragon. The commander tarlys son saved jaime as bronn was knocked off his horse. Fire everywhere smoke everywhere bronn made his way through the soldiers as the dragon blazed fire down more around them they were being attacked from the sky and the ground the Dothraki army stood strong. Bronn finally managed to get to the catapult loading the arrows searching for the dragon but the clouds and the smoke covered the air

'Where are you?' Bronn asked pointing it out the sky

Tyrion watched as Daenerys and Deaneel massacred the Lannister armies.

'Your people can't fight.' the Dothraki man told him. Tyrion watched disappointed, discouraged, he could only hope that Jaime and Bronn were far far away from all of us that they were safe but they were not.

'Take cover!' Jaime declared as the dragon was back. Bronn released an arrow it soared through the air just missing the dragon another one, the large infantry took time to get ready as he loaded it back aiming at the dragon pointed right at the beast.

'Come on you fucker.' Bronn said launching it at the dragon again it pierced him in the wing a smile on Bronn's face as the dragon contorted in the air falling and screaming out in pain but then it was angry. Bronn leapt from the catapult just as the dragon burned to a crisp. Neely tried to pull out the arrow from Drogon as she was struggling.

'I'm sorry honey,' she coed giving it a tug as Danny smiled victoriously at their victory.

'Flee you idiot.' Tyrion said seeing his brother charging at Deaneel but he kept going he was going to kill the dragon queen but Drogon turned opening its mouth fire blaze from its lips just as Bronn came flying out of the air pushing Jaime off the horse and into the water.

'Idiot.' Neely muttered getting the arrow free.

'What the fuck were you doing back there?' bronn said when the emerged from the water.

'Ending the war.' Jaime suggested

'You saw the dragon between you and I.' Bronn said out of breath 'and... Listen to me cunt till I get what I am owed, a dragon does not get to kill you. You do not get to kill you. Only I get to kill you.' Bronn told him

'That was only one of them she has two more.' Jaime remarked 'if she decides do use them to really use them.'

'You are fucked.' Bronn agreed

'You mean we are fucked.' Jamie corrected

'No I do not do dragons, our partnership ends with dragons, I'm not gonna be around when those things start spitting fire in Kings Landing.'

'I have to tell Cersei.' Jaime said nervously.

'Might as well jump back in that river.' Bronn said


'I know that cersei has told you that I have come to destroy your cities, burn down your homes murder you and orphan your children... that is Cersei Lannister not me. I am not here to murder and all I want to destroy is the wheel that is rolled over the rich and poor to the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannister's of the world.' Danny told the lannister army that had survived the raid. Neely stayed on Drogon, the heat radiating off the scales warming her up. There was no other feeling like being on a dragon. They could have brought all three, two even but they didn't want to kill everyone just a warning of whos side they needed to be on.

'I offer you a choice bend the knee and join me, together we will leave the world a better place than we found it or refuse and die.' Danny told them Lannister men started falling to their knees not many but a few her dragon roared more men fell to their knees again not all but most.

'Step forward commander' Danny said to the remaining men standing 'you will not kneel?'

'I already have a queen'

'My sister she wasn't your queen until recently though was she?' Tyrion questioned stepping forward. 'when she murdered your rightful queen and destroyed house Tyrell so it appears your allegiances are flexible...' Neely remarked. He looked between the twins.

'Say what you will about your sister she was born Westeros she lived here all her life you on the other hand murdered your own father' he told Tyrion 'and chose to support a foreign invader one with no ties to this land. An army of savages at her back.' He spat at the dothraki.

'You will not trade your honor for your life?' Danny questioned

'I respect that' Neely added, 'it wont save you though.'

'Perhaps he could take the black your grace...' Tyrion offered 'he's a good soldier he would be valuable at the wall.'

''You will not send me to the wall you are not my queen' he said defiantly. Dothraki men approached him but Tyrion couldn't watch

'You'll have to kill me too' another soldier said stepping forward.

'Step back you stupid boy' commander Tarly said to his son.

'Ahh father and son.' Danny said looking them over.

'Poetic.' Neely remarked sliding off Drogon's back.

'You are the future of your house this war has already wiped one great house from the world do not let it happen again, bend the knee' Tyrion demanded

'I will not' the son said

'Your grace nothing scrubs men's minds like a few weeks at the docks' Tyrion tried to find peace but danny saw red. Lannister red. Nothing else.

'I meant what I said I'm not here to put men in chains I gave them a choice they made it' danny told him

'Stop beheading entire-'

'I'm not beheading anyone' Danny told him calmly

'Your grace' tyrion pleaded for both men

'I Daenerys Targaryen first of her name, breaker of chains, mother of dragons sentence you to die...' Danny told them.

'Dracaras' Neely declared, Drogon raged fire down upon them burning them to ash the rest of the men dropped to their knees terrified.

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