4. Duty

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'My Dear mormont, I know I'm a princess but," neely said in a low voice. "But you do not walk behind me. You walk beside me." she pulled him to walk in step with her. 'I never liked those customs. I don't think you less than me.' neely told him. 'Vis, walk behind, but that's more for your own benefit of not having to hear him whine as loudly in your ear.' Neely told him. Neely heard a crash and she spun around ready for a fight pulling the blade from her hip but she relaxed at the sight of the broken pot. Jorah watched her cautiously as she blade her blade back. 'I protect my sister.' Neely told him simply. 'I have to be ready, just in case.'

'You are a good sister.' Jorah told her as they walked.

'No I'm not. I'm a good twin though.' She informed him. 'A sister though...' she scoffed, 'Vis is an egotistical cunt. I would kill have killed him a hundred times over already if it wasn't for dany having a soft spot not for him but in her heart. I think when we were born I took the venom and she took the sweetness.' Neely informed him.

'I don't think that's true.' jorah told her sincerely.

'You think I'm sweet?' Neely teased

'I do.' Jorah agreed and neely stopped walking and turned to him. 'Honest. I do.' He told her. He looked as though he was going to say more neely wanted him to say more when vis came running up.

'There you are sister. Mormont.' Vis hissed his name with such distaste that neely wanted to punch vis.

'Your grace.' jorah said obediently. Vis smiled at that.

'Time for bed sister.'

'I don't have a curfew.' Neely told him, she hadn't realized she spent the whole day with Jorah, time flew by easily with him. She felt comfortable with him, and that was a rarity. She felt like she could trust him.

'Its late the dothraki army is coming soon, any day now, we all need to be on our very best-'

'Vis.' Neely said sweetly taking a step forward. 'Ever so kindly...' she bat her eyelashes at him. 'Fuck off.' She whispered in his ear before taking a step back the smile never left her face. 'Was that best behavior for you?' Vis huffed appalled before storming off. Neely let out laugh it filled the gardens jorah watched her, Neely's chin falling to her chest her white hair falling in front of her face. She took a hand flipping her hair back a smile still plastered on her face. 'I love making his life hell. Its my second duty in life.' Neely informed him.

'And the first?'

'Protecting my sister of course.' Neely told him walking off. 'Good night jorah. I will see you in the morning.' But Neely didn't head for the castle she went deeper into the gardens. Jorah watched her until she disappeared into the jungle of plants and flowers and waited until he could no longer hear her quiet footsteps.

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ