6. Learning the language

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'Jorah!' Neely called he turned at her voice she was like a broken mirror of Dany. Same hair and build but completely different faces.

'Yes princess?'

'Neely,' she corrected

'Yes Neely what can i do for you?'

'I was wondering if you could teach me dothraki?' Neely questioned. 'I know 12 languages but most of them died a long time ago but no one ever to teach me dothraki. And the books didn't help. I tried to learn you see when brother said dany was to marry a dothraki man, but I haven't been able to figure it out and I heard they speak none of the common tongue. I also heard that you speak dothraki well.' Neely told him.

'I do. I would be honored to teach you Neely.' Jorah told her.


'When would you like to start?'

'What are you doing now?' She pondered


'Yes.' Neely said bashfully

'Nothing. I would love to start teaching you now. ' Jorah admitted. dany would be a good princess, she was quiet and obedient, Neely was a good protector, she was loud and wild, but focused. She had a rare talent to focus in the midst of chaos, jorah would soon find out.

'Wonderful. Let me get some parchment so i can take notes. ' Neely said running off.


'Khaleesi Means queen. That's what your sister shall be called.' Jorah told her.

'Khaleesi' she repeated the word. 'Pretty. Okay how do you say don't kill me. I'm a friend.' Jorah laughed but told her word by word she repeated after him. She asked how to say water he told her and help me and he told her. They did this for hours and Neely felt like her brain was going to explode.

'I need a break!' Neely exclaimed.

'You did excellent your grace.' jorah told her and she shot him a glare. 'Neely,' he corrected, 'you did wonderful. A natural at languages obviously. '

'Thank you. I had a great teacher,' she winked at him as she got up only to be stopped by her brother. 'Viserys.' She sneered, her good mood was constantly tainted by her brother. Gods Neely hated her brother viserys. One of these days she was going to gut him for the way he spoke to them, treated them.

'Hey vis what's with the sour look? You mad one of your playthings is gonna be queen before you're ever considered for king?' Neely knew how to push his buttons

Dany wished her sister was smarter with her anger towards their brother. Whilw Dany was able to tolerate his behavior Neely could not. She was sick of it, she was mad and she refused now that her sister was going to be queen to take his shit anymore.

'You ungrateful little prick.' Vis said coming and putting hand around her throat, Jorah jumped up but Neely kneed Vis in the crotch and he stumbled back. Jorah came up concern plastered on his face but not for vis for Neely.

'Are you alright?' Jorah questioned looking her over, a gentle hand grazing against her neck.

'Yes. I'm fine. We do this all the time.' she spat at her brother. 'He grabs me, I kick him, he falls and I remain standing. Always coming out on top.' she popped the p as she spoke her eyes focused on vis clutching himself in pain. 'When will he learn?' she tsked slowly before marching off. 

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