32. Growing fast

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Their dragons grew bigger every day catching frying and eating their own fish they were going to be a force to be reckoned with in no time.

'They are growing fast,' Jorah noted as Neely ran her hand along the wings.

'Not fast enough,' Danny remarked coming up behind them. 'I can't wait that long.' Nevar flew over the sea to catch more food. 'I need an army.' Danny reminded him

'Will be at Astapor by nightfall,' Jorah told her 'some say the unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world.'

'The greatest slave soldiers in the world.' neely corrected

'The distinction means a good deal to some people,' Danny added Neely looked between the two

'Did those people have any better ideas on how to put you on the iron throne?' he countered

'It's too beautiful of a day to argue,' Neely told them hopefully.

'You're absolutely right,' Jorah said as they listen to the sounds of the Dothraki soldiers barfing. 'Another lovely day on the high seas,' he wrapped his arms around Neely as they looked out over there soldiers

'Don't mock them, they are the first Dothraki who's ever been on a ship.' Danny reminded them, 'they followed me across the poisoned water if they do it others will to, with a true khalasar-' danny began

'The Dothraki followed strength above all Khaleesi,' Jorah told her 'you will have a true khalasar when you prove yourself strong and not before.' When they finally arrived it seemed like an eternity but the Dothraki soldiers were glad to be on stable land

The man was speaking in their native tongue, Valyrain as they walked and Neely vast knowledge of languages had come in handy but she knew their language very well. But better to think them ignorant. They walked with the master of Astapor. While one of his slaves, Missandei translated.

'They have stood here for four days and nights with no food and no water,' she told them, Neely and Danny looked at the soldiers standing above perfect statues. 'they will stand until they drop such as their obedience.'

'They may suit my needs... tell me of they're training,' Danny said the soldiers parted allowing them to walk through.

'The Westeros the woman is pleased with them,' the woman said in their native tongue 'but speaks no praise to keep the price down she wishes to know how they are trained.'

'Tell her what she would know and be quick about it.'

Danny and Neely waited as the two discussed the day was hot and Neely easily grew bored of the politics of life.

'They begin their training at five,' missandei went on. 'Every day they drill from dawn to dusk until they have mastered the short sword shield and the three spears, only one boy in four survives this rigorous training. Their discipline and loyalty are absolute. They fear nothing.'

'Even the bravest man fear death,' Jorah told them

'The knight says even brave men fear death,' Missandei translated

'Tell the old man he smells of piss.'

'Truly master?'

'No not truly,' he spat at her. Neely and Danny tried to keep their faces straight. As they listen to the man belittle his slave and belittle their friend. 'Are you a girl or a goat to ask such a thing?'

'My master says the unsullied are not men, death means nothing to them.' she said nervously.

'Tell this ignorant whore of a Westerner to open her eyes and watch.' He said stepping down to the soldiers.

'This is why a woman needs to be on the throne.' Neely whispered and a smile pulled at danny's lips before her eyes widened in confusion.

'He begs you attend this carefully your grace,' Missandei told them, the master stood before his soldiers moving his shield and his blade he cut free the leather protecting him.

'Tell the good master that there is no need-' Danny began

'She's worried about their nipples?' He asked as he pulled the man's nipple slicing it off the man did not flinch 'does the dumb bitch know we've cut off their balls?'

'My master points out that men don't need nipples.'

'Here I'm done with you,' the master said fixing his spear and his shield

'This one is pleased to have served you,' the unsullied said stepping back in line. The master started speaking again a smuggest of looks on his face.

'To win his shield an unsullied must go to the slave markets find a newborn and kill it before its mothers eyes. This way my master says we make certain there is no weakness left in them.' Missandei told them and Neelys jaw dropped.

'You take a babe from its mother's arms kill it as she watches and pay for her pain with a silver coin?" Danny questioned appalled.

'She is offended she asks if you pay a silver coin to the woman for the dead baby.' Missandei told the master.

'What soft mewing fool this one is,' the master responded

'My master would like you to know that the silver is paid to the babies owner not the mother.' Neely and Danny looked around at the soldiers around them they would make a good army they were disciplined and fearless but they would not allow the slavery to go on.

'How many do you have to sell?' Danny questioned. He held up eight fingers

'8000,' Missandei answered

'Tell the Westeros whore she has until tomorrow.'

'The master has asked that you please hurry many other buyers are interested.'


'8000 dead babies,' Neely remarked 'that's disgusting that's sickening that's makes me sick.'

'The unsullied are a means to an end,' Jorah reminded her

'These men-'

'They're not men not anymore.' Jorah reminded them.

'Once I own an army of slaves what will I be?' Danny asked

'Do you think the slaves will have a better lives serving craziness of men like him or serving you?' Jorah countered. They walked through the streets of Astapor, debating their options, 'you'll be fair to them you won't mutilate them to make a point,' he went on as they followed a little girl running with the ball she smiled back at them as she kept running through the town. 'You won't order them to murder babies you'll see they're properly fed and sheltered and a great injustice has been done to them... closing your eyes will not undo it.' the little girl rolled the ball to Danny and she picked it up the little girl motioned for her to open it. A smile crossed Danny's lips as an assassin came lunging forward but Neely saw him.

She threw her handless arm her elbow very strong from years of jabbing her brother and slammed the man in the face. Danny dropped the ball started she fell back. With Neely's hand she grabbed his blade holding it to his throat as she forced him to the ground. Danny fell to the ground staring at the ball little girl had given her it opened before her eyes a creature came out staring back at her before charging. The man neely had held back got away from her as she stared at the creature before her sister, her grip shifting to kill the creature but the man Neely assumed an assassin stabbed his blade down into the creature. the little girl ran jumping into the water but when the man went to check the girl appeared behind them.

'Damn warlocks,' Neely said checking on her sister

'I owe you my life sir.'

'The honor is mine.' he said 'my queen'

'Do you know this man?' Neely question seeing the look on Jorah's face

'I know this man,' he agreed 'as one of the greatest fighters of the seven kingdoms has ever seen and has the Lord Commander of Robert Baratheon's kings guard.'

'King Robert is dead I've been searching for you Daenerys stormborn and Deaneel Targaryen, to ask for forgiveness I was sworn to protect your family and I failed them,' he knelt before them. 'I swore loyalty to your father now allow me to join your queens guard and I will not fail you again.' he said bowing his head before her.

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