54. Already on his knees

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Grey was the only one that survived but he was badly injured meanwhile they were having a little ceremony for Barristan in the throne room.

The moment of silence was interrupted when Hizdahr came up to them.

'I'm sorry my queen he was a good man.' Hizdahr said solemnly.

'Barristan the bold they called him... he crossed the continent to serve me he was a loyal friend and he died in an alley butchered by cowards who hide behind masks,' Danny told him a tear in her eye

'We could pull back to the pyramid district and use it as a base to operate on?" Daario suggested 'then we clean the city out neighborhood by neighborhood street by street until the rats have nowhere left to hide,' Daario's eyes focused on Hizdahr.

'I agreed with your earlier suggestion round up the leaders of each of Meereen's great houses and bring them to me.' Danny told him

'But I am the leader of my family,' Hizdahr told her, he was grabbed by a dothraki soldier. 'your grace I have nothing to do with this! Your grace!' Neely sat on the steps leading up to the throne her elbows resting on her thighs as she watched him go, her face a stone free of emotion. Time to spill some blood. The leaders were gathered before Daenerys in the tomb where her dragons were being kept.


'Walk forward,' danny said once in the tomb, spears were pointed at the leaders backs.

'You cannot do this!" one of the men declared but with spears pointing into their backs they had no choice but to stumble forward.

'another step,' Neely declared. They heard the chains. The dragons emerged before them and Nevar and Rhegal were not happy.

'They will eat you if I tell them to,' Neely said 'Then eat you they will... my children...'

'Some say I should give them up,' Danny said 'but a good mother never gives up on her children,' she said walking around them. 'she disciplines them if she must.' Some of the men were saying soft prayers Dario pushed the man forward 'but she does not give up on them.' he dropped to his knees seeing the breath of a dragon before him and the fire as he was set a flame the rest of the men shuttered with fear as Neely and Danny stood strong. The dragons ripped him apart.

'Who is innocent? maybe all of you are maybe none of you are. Maybe...' Danny looked at Hizdahr 'maybe we should let the dragons decide.'

'All men must die.' Neely told him

'valar morghulis' Hizdahr told her as she placed a hand on his back he was the only one so strong facing the dragons.

'Don't wanna overfeed them,' Danny suggested

'tomorrow perhaps.' Neely added and the men were taken away. As they watched the man burn away their dragons chewing on his burning flesh.

'He was brave.' Danny remarked.

"He is a spineless cunt.' Neely told her.

'I agree with your every smart and beautiful sister.' Daario told them.

'Flattery... it will get you no where.' Neely told him offering him a sweet smile.

"We shall see.' He whispered as he passed.

"No, we wont!" Neely told him. 'You think one Targaryen is enough for him.' Neely mused Danny rolled her eyes before heading out but Neely watched until the flames extinguished, Nevar stared at her expectantly.


They were putting cells to await further punishment and Hizdahr dropped before Danny when she came

'my queen please do not do this,' he begged

'What about valar morghulis?' Neely countered coming in behind Danny.

'I did not want to die, I am a coward,' he told her 'apparently I do not want to die at all.' he admitted

'It takes courage to admit fear,' Danny told him 'and to admit a mistake. I came here to tell you that I was wrong. I was wrong and you were right.' Neely rolled her eyes as Danny spoke '-about tradition. About bringing the people of the city together. I will reopen the fighting pits to free men only, slavery will never return to Meereen not while I live.' Danny told him.

'Yes my queen.' he agreed

'In order to forge a lasting bond with the meereenese people I will marry the leader of an ancient family,' Danny went on and he nodded in agreement. 'thankfully a suitor is already on his knees.' Neely stared at Danny as she walked around Hizdahr stared at her as she left.

'Okay Daario is better then him.' Neely said chasing after danny. 'I mean seriously? Him? No.'

"It is for the good of the-' Danny began and Neely let out an audible groan.

'BULLSHIT!" she shouted stomping off. 

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now