29. You love her

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When Neely finally pulled herself out of bed Lara was dead and the dragons were gone, Danny was no where in sight. In a panic Neely ran through the castle calling for Danny calling for her dragons.

'The dragons. Where are they? Where are they? Do you have them?'

'Danny there you are have you seen the...'

'You don't have them?' Danny questioned her matching how Neely felt.

'I don't have them I've been looking everywhere for you and them and I can't...' Neely said in a panic

'They can't be gone.'

'They can't be gone.' Neely agreed.


'You came back?' Danny questioned

'As soon as I heard,' Jorah told her 'do you know anything?' He looked the room for Neely but didn't see her.

'Lara is dead.'

'I know she was a good-'

'She died alone she died for me and I couldn't protect her.' Danny spat.


'She's on a rampage.' Danny confirmed.

'Doreah?' Jorah questioned

'We can't find her she must be dead too,' Danny said pacing the room. 'I let my people out of the red waste and into the slaughterhouse!'

'I should've been here.' Jorah told her

'You went to find me a ship.'

'My place is by yours and your sisters side I shouldn't have left you alone with these people.' Jorah confirmed.

'These people?' Danny questioned

'They are not to be trusted.' Jorah told her.

'We'll find them we'll find them we have to find them.' Neely said marching in. 'Where the fuck are they!' She shouted before seeing Jorah. 'Jorah' she said pathetically.

'We will find them,' he told her as she wrapped her arm around him.

'Who is to be trusted?' Danny countered as Neely held tight to Jorah he looked down at Danny, his arms wrapped tightly around Neely. 'You call my people... who are my people the Targaryen's? My brother would've let 1000 men rape me and Neely if it got him the crown.'

'Neely turned out all right,' Jorah reminded her

'The Dothraki? Most of them turned on me the day khal drogo fell from his horse.' Danny reminded him.

'Your people are in Westeros.' Jorah told her.

'People in Westeros don't know I'm alive.' Danny sneered.

'They will soon enough.' Jorah told her confidently.

'And then what?' she countered 'they will pray for my return they'll waive Dragon banners and shout my name?'

'Our brother was told the same thing and he believed it but he was a fool,' Neely said looking up to him

'You two are not your brother,' Jorah told them as they paced the room, 'trust me.'

'There it is trust me and it's you I should trust Ser Jorah only you??' Danny sneered.

'I trust him.' Neely said

'I don't need trust any longer, I don't want it and I don't have room for it.' Danny told them

'You are too young to be so-'

'And you have grown too familiar.' she smeared and he took a step back

'Danny,' Neely said softly looking between them

'Forgive me Khaleesi,' jorah told her looking to neely. 'No one can survive in this world without help no one.... let me help you please tell me how.'

'Find my dragons.' Danny instructed


'Jorah of the andal. This man must sail to old valyria. All who travel,' the masked woman was painting the back of a woman laid naked before her. 'Too close to the doom must have protection.'

'I did not come here for lessons.' Jorah told her

'No you came for the dragons.'

'You have them? Where are they?' Jorah demanded.

'Draw your sword and see what your steel is worth.' she countered standing up to face him again only her eyes visible through the mask. 'You want to please the mother of dragons... Not the queen but the queen sister how cute you love her.'

'Where are the dragons?' he demanded

'Will you betray her again Jorah of the Andals? Will you betray her again?'

'Never.' He said confidently

'The thief you seek is with her now,' the woman said and returned back to her painting.

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now