35. Thoros of myr

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Light // Beric Donndarion is out!!

'It was a shit of a siege but we fought the first fight.' Barristan recalled

'The second.' Jorah corrected 'thoros of myr went in alone waving flaming sword of his.' He said with a chuckle.

'Thoros of myr,' barristan laughed as they rode. 'Bloody mad man. Robert knighted you after that battle.' he remarked

'Proudest moment of my life walking through that dust. the king sword on my shoulder listening to the words in the name of the warrior I charge you to be brave... All I could think of how badly I had to piss in a full plate metal 16 hours never occurred to me until the fighting was over. I was very probably the first man to ever piss on the kings boots.'

'Robert would've laughed, he was a good man and a great warrior and a terrible king. I've had to live my years fighting for terrible Kings.' Barristan told him

'You swore an oath.' Jorah remarked

'Yes and a man of honor keeps his vows even if he's serving a drunk or a lunatic, just once in my life before the war is over I wanna know what it's like to serve with pride to fight for someone I believe in. Do you believe in her?'

'With all my heart,' Jorah said looking at the sisters

'These are the ones?' Danny asked

'Yes Khaleesi these are the officers,' missandei informed her. Neely wrapped her hair up in a tight bun on top of her head as she jumped down from her horse following her sister.

'You did not choose this life,' Danny told them in high Valyeria 'but you are free men now and Free men make their own choices. Have you selected your own leader from amongst your ranks?' They stood to the side and a unsullied man stood. 'Remove your helmet.' He did as she requested pulling his helmet off and stepping forward.

'This one has the honor.' He told them

'What is your name?'

'Grey worm'

'Grey worm?' Neely questioned.

'All Unsullied boys are given new names when they are cut. Grey worm, fleas, black wrapped names that remind them what they are vermin...' Missandei told them.

'From this day forward you will choose your own name.' Danny told them 'you will tell your fellow soldiers to do the same throw away your slave name choose the name your parents gave you or any other. A name that gives you pride.'

'Grey worm gives me pride it is a lucky name.' he told them 'the name is the one was born with the cursed that was the name he had when he was taken as a slave,' he told her 'but grey worm is the name this one had the day Daenerys stormborn set him free.'


'I think Robert wanted her dead.' Jorah said

'Of course he wanted her dead she is the last one of two Targaryen's the twins are the last ones remaining.' Barristan agreed.

'I suppose no one on the small council could speak sense to him?'

'I didn't sit on the small council.'

'No?' Jorah questioned 'doesn't the Lord Commander of the kings guard Traditionally-'

'Traditional yes but I killed a dozen of Robert's friends during his rebellion he didn't want advice on how to govern from a man who fought for the mad king, can't say I minded much I've always hated the politics.' Barristan told him

'I imagine I would too if I was spent jabbering about backstabbing and betrayal the world would be over took. Still she will have to wait through that muck if she wants to rule the seven kingdoms.'

'She'll have a good men around her to advise her man with experience.' Barristan reminded him.

'Seems like you have one in mind,' Jorah said as they amount of their horses continuing on the journey

'Forgive me ser jorah for what I'm about to say your reputation in Westeros has suffered over the years.' Barristan informed him.

'It's suffered for a reason,' Jorah told him 'I sold a man into slavery.'

'I don't know if your presence by her side will help our cause when we go home.'

'Help her? Forgive me sir Barristan but I was busy defending the Khalessi against King Roberts assassins while you were still bowing to the man.' Jorah reminded him defensively.

'We both wanted her to rule am I wrong?'

'You only joined us a few days ago I cannot speak to your intentions.' Jorah reminded him

'If we are truly her loyal servants we will do whatever needs to be done no matter the cost no matter your pride.'

'you're not Lord Commander here,' Jorah reminded him 'you're just another exile and I take my orders from the queen and her sister,' Jorah reminded him.

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang