47. Broke my every heart beat

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Jorah Mormont was summoned and he stared up at the twins, slowly he ascended the steps. Neelys face pinched as she looked down at him.

'Why did the usurper pardon you?' Danny asked calmly her hands rest in her lap

'If we could speak alone-' Jorah questioned looking to Neely.

'No, speak here explain it to me.' Danny demanded.

'Who do you think sent us to Meereen? Who profits this is the work of Tywin Lannister?' Jorah told her 'he wants to divide us if we're fighting each other we're not fighting him.'

'The pardon was signed the year we met,' Danny told him and Neely couldn't breathe. 'why were you pardoned unless you're saying this document was forged?' Her voice was even but Neely felt her heart breaking as Danny spoke.

'It was not forged,' Jorah said but his voice cracked looking between them. Neely needed to draw breath, but a heavy weight settled atop her chest.

'Why then?'

'I have sent letters to Varys the spy master of Kings Landing,' he told them 'what was the conduct of these letters?' Danny questioned

'Information.' He admitted.

'What information?'

'When you arrived in Pentos your plans to Marry Khal Drogo, when you were married when your brother died...' Jorah told them softly.

'You told him I was carrying Drogo's child?' Danny questioned incredulously.


'Did you?' Danny shouted.


'Don't call me that. did you tell them I was carrying drogos child?' Danny demanded.

'Yes,' he said softly his voice barely whisper. Danny rose up as neelys eyes dropped to the ground she couldn't believe this was happening.

'That wine the man tried to poison me because of your information.' Danny remarked.

'I stopped you from drinking that wine.' he reminded her

'Because you knew it was poisoned .'Danny said

'I suspected,' he agreed

'You betrayed me you betrayed me from the first moment you met me.' Danny remarked and Neely felt a sob stuck in her chest.

'Forgive me,' he begged falling to his knees 'I never meant... Please forgive me.'

'You sold my secrets to the man who killed my father who slipped my brother's throat!' Danny shouted.

'Everything I did I did for you and your sister.'

'How can I forgive you?' Danny asked

'Neely I love you,' he told her but she couldn't look at him

'Love?' Danny asked 'how can you say that any other men I would have executed but I don't want you in my City dead or alive go back to your masters in Kings Landing collect your pardon, be gone.' he stepped forward.

'Please.' Jorah begged looking to Neely but she wouldn't look at him.

'Don't ever presume to touch me again or my sister or speak our names you have until dusk to collect your things and leave the city if you are found in Meereen past this day I will have your head thrown into slavers bay. Go. Now,' Danny demanded, jorah looked past Danny. Deaneel sat on the steps tears in her eyes as she twisted her toes on the ground, he had never seen a woman so fierce turns so fragile. He pleaded with her to look at him but she wouldn't she couldn't he marched back down the steps.


'You betrayed your queen.' Dario told him as he approached Neely.

'tell me it's not true.' Neely begged. 'Tell me this is all a big misunderstanding,' she pleaded tears in her eyes.

'Neely-' he held her face in his hands, he bit his lip not able to speak the truth.

'you broke my every heart beat.' Neely said, she couldn't even look at him, she stepped back a sob in her throat.

'Neely,' he chased after her but the broken face the tears in her eyes made him stop. 'I'm-'

'don't you dare say sorry.' Neely sneered. 'if you were sorry you wouldn't have done it. Any of it.'

'Neely,' he felt a weight on his chest, his own heart breaking, as this ferocious woman turned oh so fragile right in front of his eyes.

'There was before you... There was during you... But I never thought there would be an after you,' neely told him. There was such a sadness in his eyes.

"I love you which was why the world suddenly felt monumentally inadequate whenever I'm not with you. I gave you my love, and you took it. You took everything. I never had a choice. You tore into my life ... into my heart, wrecking all sense of the man I was before you. Being with you is the best part of my day ... every day. You thought you were broken when we met because that was how the world saw you, but you're not. And if you were ... it wouldn't matter. I love every. Single. Piece of you.' Jorah told her. 'That's why I stopped. I wanted my pardon but then I fell in love with you.' Neely shook her head her face pinched with betrayal. 'Please-'

'If you t-told me things would be d-different.' She stammered out.


'Go.' She demanded but her voice cracked as she moved back inside. Letting out a shaky breath he watched her go, Dario stood protectively, blocking his way. So Jorah rode off, he left and Neely thought she would never see him again and that hurt just as much as the betrayal itself.

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