30. House of Undying

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'I did not leave the comfort of my home to come here and be called a thief.'

'No one is calling you a thief.' Zarrow said to the fat man with a funny nose

'Who is she to accuse us?'

'Please they are my children I am begging you.' Danny said Neely stood on guard next to her, Neely's eyes scanning the door cautiously.

'Begging us? It wasn't long ago you were threatening us.'

'I can go back to threatening if that makes you feel better?" Neely countered but Danny grabbed her arm pulling her back.

'Without me and my sister the dragons will die.' Danny informed them.

'It will be for the best,' the 13 said, 'your dragons will bring the world nothing but death and misery my dear if I knew where they were I would not tell you.'

'You are cruel my friend the mothers of dragons is in the right,' the warlock told him 'she must be reunited with her babies I will help you Khaleesi.'


'I will take you to the house of the undying where I have put them.' The warlock told her smugly.

'You have my dragons?' She asked incredulously.

'Cunts.' Neely spat.

'When I heard you were coming to our city,' the warlock said 'I made an arrangement with the king of QARTH he procured them for me.'

'Give them back and you can leave with your heads.' Neely warned.

'We are on your side dear girl.' The warlock told her.

'Stealing our babies says otherwise!" Neely spat.

'There is no king of QARTH.' Danny said confused as Zarrow stood up

'Now that that was the other half of the arrangement.' Zarrow said 'you would keep your gates and your minds closed to everything outside your walls but QARTH cannot remain the greatest city that ever was if it refuses to change. I will open Qarth to the world as I forced itself open to me.'

'Your ambition is an inspiration but like all upstarts you overreach, three dragons the size of cats and an alliance with a charlatan do not make you king.'

'An upstart and a charlatan,' Zarrow said 'empires have been built by less those on the margins often come to control the center and those who make room for them for them willingly or otherwise...' the warlock stepped forward

'The mothers of dragons will be with her babies she will give them her love and they will thrive by her side forever.' he declared as the rest of the 13s necks were split by the warlocks. Neely grabbed Danny dragging her out they were too many to fight, the warlocks, too many of them. Neely and Danny ran out of the room but they were cornered once again the warlocks were everywhere

'A mother should be with her children.' he declared as Jorah stabbed his blade through him the warlock crumbled to a pile to the ground but only his clothes remained

'Where will you run to Daenerys stormborn, Deaneel Targaryen?' another warlock appearing before them 'your dragons wait for you in the house of the undying.'

'Come see them.' Another one, Neely spun around uselessly as they kept appearing and disappearing before her. Jorah pulled Neely as a Neely pulled Danny away

'We're going to that stupid house aren't we?' Neely questioned

'Careful,' Jorah told them as both as Neely and Danny peered in on the temple. 'Zarrow owns the city and warlocks have thousands of eyes,' Jorah warned them 'watching for you both of you. I found one a ship with a good captain,' he told them 'she leaves for Astapor tomorrow.'


'We cannot stay here,' Jorah told them

'They have our children a mother does not to leave without her children.' Danny looked Neely and she nodded she wasn't about to leave her dragons

'They're not your children,' Jorah told them 'I know they call you to the mothers of dragons and I know you two love them but you two did not grow them in your womb and they didn't suck at your breast, they are dragons and if we stay in QARTH we will die.' he looked Neely hoping to get through to her but she shook her head.

'You should sail to astapor. You will be safe there,' Neely told him 'I'm not leaving without my dragons.'

'You know I would die for you. I would never abandon you. I just want to protect you and to serve,' Jorah said reaching a hand out for Neely

'Then serve me and my sister,' Danny said 'if my dragons are in the house of the undying then take me there.'

'That's what they want the warlock told you himself if you enter that place you will never leave again his magic is strong.' Jorah warned.

'And what of my magic? You saw us step into the fire and you watched the witch burn.' Danny reminded him. 'what did the flames do to me? Do to Neely? Do you not remember?' Danny questioned

'That night was the worst night of my life,' Jorah told her but his eyes moved to Neely. 'I've lost you I thought I lost you,' Neely turned around and saw his face laced with pain he felt pulled in so many directions he wanted to protect them to save them to get them out of here but he couldn't and they wouldn't leave they were too stubborn. 'Until my last breath I will remember after I had forgotten my mother's face.'

'They are my children. And they are the only children I will ever have,' Danny told him 'take me to them.'


'Please jorah,' neely begged bringing a hand to his face. He nodded. He didn't like it but at least he would be there to protect them.


'House of ghosts Khaleesi. It is known.' Carrovo said as they walked. They got to the house of the undying and it was a tower extending high into the clouds.

'where are the guards?'

'No guards The Warlocks will kill with sorcery not steal.' Jorah told them

'Let them try,' Danny said walking ahead up the steep steps

'I think I liked you better when you were scared.' Neely admitted following her up. 'you remember back when you were scared of your own shadow you were a lot easier to protect when you weren't leading us into a blazing fire and oh I don't know the temple of undying with a bunch of creepy bald guys who look like death themselves.' Neely reminded her

'You can turn back.' Danny told her knowing full well Neely wasn't about to leave her now, they had been through to much, they were too close to be separated.

'Til my last breath will i protect you.' Neely reminded her. 'Lets go get our babies back.'

'Is this a puzzle? A riddle?' They walked around in circles getting nowhere no entrances no doors Neely and Danny walked around and Jorah tried to keep up but he lost side of them and then they were gone.

'Khaleesi! Neely!' Jorah shouted but they were nowhere in sight. "NEELY!"

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