51. Mhysa

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Bored of you // Tywin Lannister is out now!

'She doesn't belong here and no matter how many of you traitors call her Mhysa she will never be our queen.'


A son of a harpy was dead, nails through him in his blood was written 'kill the masters'. Mossador had done it for them for a better future.

'Why did you do it?' Danny asked when he came forward before them.

'For you MHYSA.' He dropped on his knees before her 'you wanted the harpy dead but your hands are tied I set you free as you all did for us.' Mossador told her.

'He was our prisoner awaiting trial,' Danny reminded him 'you had no right.'

'He would rather rip your city apart and see slaves bound for life,' Mossador told her

'There are no more slaves,' Danny told him 'there are no more Masters.'

'who lives in the pyramids?' Mossador asked 'who wears gold masks and murders your children? When gray worm came to us I was the first to take up the knife for you. I remember to look at my father's face as a struck down his master who traded his infant son for a dog. My father died in the fighting he went on if we allow the sons of harpy to return us to chains... He never lived.' Mossador told her.

'The harpes life is not yours to take,' Danny told him 'once the masters were the law-'

'And now you are the law.' Mossador told her.

'The laws the law,' Danny told him through gritted teeth 'take him.' Neely stepped forward a hand on Danny shoulder as my stared up at her confused.

'all he ever want to do is help.' Neely whispered. 'Are you sure about this?'


They cried out for their Mhysa begging her to save their friend to not execute him for doing what was right.

'Mhysa! Mhysa!' they screamed

'They should put the tratiors head on a spike and be done with it.' Hizdahr spat.

'That's what I keep telling her to do to you,' Dario remarked, 'I think I can convince Deaneel, she likes me now.' Daario informed him with a grin.

'You open your gates to me,' Danny said 'because I promised you freedom and justice. One cannot exist without the other.' Their brother was now changed and brought forward an outrage was brought through out Meereen. They screamed out brother.


'Mhysa please,' Mossador begged kneeling before her but Danny refused to look at him Neely swallowed a lump in her throat she took a step forward but Dario pulled her back. 'forgive me.' he begged. Neely had a dragon in her but what did that make Danny? This wasn't right and Neely knew it. Danny wanted to think this justice but the line was blurred between good and right and just.

'A citizen of Meereen was awaiting trial and this man murdered him, his punishment is death.' Danny declared.

'Mercy mercy!' they screamed 'mercy!'

Danny looked back to Daario and he released Neely's arm coming forward. Daario put his blade to Mossador's neck

'MHYSA,' He whispered as the people screamed out for her to show mercy save their brother.

'Danny listen to your people,' Neely whispered 'they're begging you, listen to them.' Daario waited blade patiently at Mossador's neck. Mossador closed his eyes repeating a prayer but Danny nodded. 'Danny don't do this. Listen to me, listen to me-' Neely whispered but it was too late and Mossador's head severed from his shoulders. The peoples cries turned hisses. The unsullied stood on guard as a hiss erupted. Then there was fighting between the people the lower borns and the highborn families of Meereen rocks being thrown as they chased after Daenerys but the unsullied protected her as rocks thrown down they created a shield a barrier with their shields protecting them. Neely couldn't say anything she warned Danny and she didn't listen.

Neely was standing on the balcony for feet hanging over the railing when she saw Drogon, heard his wings above her. He had been missing and with her other two babies in chains she stared up at him in amazement.

'Hi honey,' she stood up to him as he slowly came down to her. 'I missed you,' Neely reached out a hand for him  He hesitated before sniffing her hand and flying away. She watched him go speechlessly when Danny came up behind her.

'Is that drogon?

'Yes,' Neely said simply

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