33. Dragon is worth more

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'The walk of punishment is a warning your grace,' Jorah told them as they walked through to see men chained up hanging on crosses.

'To who?'

'To any slave who comes contemplating doing whatever the slaves did.'

'Give me your water,' Danny requested and Jorah pulled it free from his belt

'This man has been sentenced to death,' Jorah told her but she didn't listen she walked up the steps

'Here drink,' she offered but he shook his head

'Let's leave this place your grace I beg of you.' Barristan requested

'What are we to do for soldiers?' Jorah countered.

'We can find soldiers in Pentos and myr.' Barristan answered stiffly

'Is it we already sir Barristan?' Jorah questioned, Nelly elbowed Jorah she smiled sweetly down at her. 'If you want to sit on the throne your ancestors built you have to win it that would mean blood on your hands before the thing is done.'

'Blood of my enemies not the blood of innocence ,'Danny told him

'How many wars have you fought in SER Barristan?' Jorah questioned


'Have you ever seen a war where innocence did not die in the thousands?' Jorah questioned and Barristan didn't answer. 'I was in Kings Landing after...' he let out a sigh. 'Do you know what I saw? Butchery of babies and children old men more women more than you can count. There's a beast in every man that stirs, and I saw it. But the unsullied are not men they will not put cities in the slaughter unless they are told to do so. They will do as you command.' Jorah told her

'It would be better to have them with us than anyone else,' Neely agreed

'Do you disagree sir Barristan?' Danny questioned.

'When your brother Rhaegar led his army into battle of the trident men died for him because they believed in him because they loved him not because they've been bought a slavers auction. I thought the last dragon died that day your Grace,' Baristan told them. 'But here you two stand.'

'Here we stand, hear us roar.' Neely added with a smirk.

'Rhaegar fought valiantly and Rhaegar therefore no bleed and Rhaegar died.' Jorah reminded him.

'Did you know him well sir Barristan?' Neely questioned.

'I did your grace finest man I've ever met.'

'I wish I had known him but he was not the last Dragon,' Neely said confidently as her and Danny walked ahead.


'All? Did this man's ears hear wrong your grace?'

'They did not I want to buy them all.' Danny said confidently.

'She wants to buy them all.' Missandei confirmed.

'She can't afford them all, the slut thinks she can flash her tits and make us give her whatever she wants.' the master said Danny stared back at him

'There are 8000 unsullied is this what you mean by all?' Missandei questioned.

'Yes 8000 and the ones still in training as well.' Neely agreed.

'If they fail on the battlefield they will shame to ASTAPOR,' the masters advisor told him

'The master says they cannot sell half trained boys if they fail on the battlefield they will bring shell upon all of us.' MIssandei told her.

'I will have them all or take none,' Danny told her 'many more fall in battle and I'll need boys to pick up the swords they drop.'

'The slut cannot pay for all this.' the master ground

'The master says you cannot afford this.'

'her ship will buy her 100 soldiers no more.'

'Your ship will buy you 100 soldiers.' Missandei repeated.

'And because I like the curve of her ass-' the master went on

'And because the master is generous...'

'What is left will buy her 10.' master went on

'The gold you have left is worth 10.'

'I will give her 20 if she stops her ignorant whimpering.' The master went on.

'But he will give you 20,' she said sweetly

'Her Dothraki smell of shit.'

'The Dothraki you have with you...' missandei said hesitantly.

'But may be useful as a pig feed,' he told her

'The Dothraki you have are not worth what they cost to feed but master will give you three unsullied soldiers for all of them.' Neely and Danny looked around at the women and children looking down upon them some head chains around their necks 'My master asks how you will pay for the remaining 7877 unsullied...'

'I have dragons I'll give you one.' Danny told them and Neely stepped forward with bringing Danny's back a step.

'No we will not! No we will not!' Neely hissed but Danny just smiled back at her a reassuring smile that said she was going to do something very very stupid. 'Is this like walking into the fire stupid am I going to regret this?'

'You will win the throne with dragons not slaves.' Barristan reminded her.

'Please, Khalessi!.' Jorah agreed but she stepped forward

'Three dragons.' the master told her



'1.' Danny told him with complete certainty and the master discussed it

'They want the biggest one.' Missandei told her.

'Done.' Danny said

'Done.' the master agreed and neely let out an exasperated breath.

'I really hope she knows what she's doing,' Neely whispered tipping her head into Jorah

'I hope so too,' he agreed.

'I will take you as well.' Danny said looking to missandei 'you will be the masters gift me as a bargain well struck.'

'She asked that you give me to her as a present,' missandei told him. 'She asked that you do this now.' He stared at Danny before agreeing

'Khalessi, dragon is worth more than any army,' Jorah told her as he followed her out

'Aegon targaryan proved that.' Barristan agreed.

'We can't sell our dragon for soldiers, dragons are dragons!' Neely told her, 'they're priceless and beautiful you didn't want to sell them before remember you said dragons are not for selling and you walked into that stupid fire and I followed you in because you weren't going to sell dragons and give us a better life and now you're selling dragons for men!' Neely reminded in one quick breath, 'this is a bunch of bullshit and you know it. We don't need men, we need dragons all three of them you are not giving away Nevar. And I know you're not giving away Drogon. He is the biggest and your last reminded of Drogo. So tell me sister what is going through that head of yours?' Neely demanded

'You are all here to advise me but I value your advice but if you ever question me in front of strangers again you would be advising someone else is that understood?' Dannys threat was to Jorah and Barristan, Neely knew this but she couldn't help but feel like it was aimed just the slightest at her as well. 'Come sister.'

'Let's just hope she knows what she's doing,' Neely whispered running off after her.

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz