3. Everyone wants something

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Neely was stabbing at her breakfast when jorah came in the next morning

'Princess.' Jorah said sitting down across from her.

'Morning,' she murmured one knee curled up to her chest both feet tucked under her bottom.

'Everything alright princess?' Jorah questioned she rested her chin on her knee staring over at him. She opened her mouth but the words that came out were not her own.

'Good morning. I hope you slept well.' Vis came in chipper as always he kissed neely's cheek before sitting down at the head of the table neely flinched away at his touch, jorah noticed. He noticed how the girl seemed to despise her brother. Not wanting to be touched by him at all.

'Yes very well. Thank you... Your grace.' Jorah added as a secondary thought.

'Neely.' vis hissed. 'Where is our sweet sister?'

'Don't know.' She pushed her plate in front of her before rushing off. Jorah watched her go.

'Sorry about deaneel she's not... she's different.' Vis told him. 'Jealous creature she is. Always jealous of daenarys and I. Me.' he boasted. 'The rightful heir and the twin sister to be married to the head of an army. Whole. Not... deformed.' Vis added. Dany came in taking what was neelys seat.

'Morning.' Dany whispered sitting straight in her chair. Opposite of neely who was hunched over her knee while dany looked like a princess proper form and grace. Offering polite conversation over breakfast but jorah couldn't help but want to know about neely.

'Excuse me.' Jorah said abandoning his plate. He didn't have to look long he found her in the library.

'Princess?' She dropped her head back over the couch glancing back at jorah

'Something i can help you with ser?' Neely questioned

'No, I was-'

'I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday.' neely said when jorah found her. 'I'm not usually like that i just...'

'Thought if you scared me away your sister wouldn't have to marry a strange man from another land?' Jorah questioned and neely gave him a you caught me type of smile.

'I also wanted to see that vein in vis' neck pop' neely added softly.

'I understand you want to protect your family. The dothraki are known to be... different.' Jorah agreed.

'Still, I'm sorry. Not a great first impression.... But I'm also not the greatest with social interactions either. we've been isolated for a really long time sometimes I forget how to be a normal human being you know?' Neely admitted. 'Not good with strangers. You would think we have been pushed from one foreign land to the next I would be great at talking to new people but...' people see my arm and think me weak or vis tells them I'm a jealous vindictive little twat. "I'm sorry" Neely said offering him a small smile.

'No need to apologize I like you just the way you are.' Jorah told her but she didn't believe him.

'Good cause I wasn't going to change, I was just letting you know.' she told him with a smirk walking away but he followed after her. she turned her head hearing his footsteps. 'Was there something I could help you with Ser?'

'No i was... well i was wondering if there was something i could help you with.' Jorah countered. Neely blinked up at him as he again sat opposite her.

'Help me?' She questioned softly.

'You seem-'

'I'm not jealous of my sister.' Neely told him abruptly. 'Vis likes to pretend that I am this fragile little thing. Always worried about what everyone else thinks but I'm not.' Neely informed him. 'I don't care that I'm not firstborn. Being a queen doesn't interest me. I don't care about my lack of arm either.' she wiggled her numb. 'I'm a better fighter than everyone I come up against. I'm not jealous of dany-'

'I wasn't going to say that.' jorah told her softly

'Oh. Sorry. I just figured...'

'I was going to say you seem sad.' Jorah corrected

'Sad.' She repeated. 'I suppose I am.'

'Anything i can help with?'

'You don't know me.' Neely reminded him. 'What do you want for said help?'

'No. I don't know you. But that doesn't mean that all strangers want something. It doesn't mean that I can't want to help you out of the goodness of my heart... does it?' Jorah told her.

'That's not usually the case.' neely informed him


'They hear princess.'


'Everyone. Anyone. Men, women, children. Maesters, septons, beggars, lords, ladies, it doesn't matter they hear princess and think what can I offer the royal, so they will give me what I desire.' Neely informed him.

'I don't want anything.' jorah told her

'Everyone wants something.' Neely told him.

'I don't. Not from you.' jorah confirmed.

'Alright.' Neely said not really believing him. 'How can you help me?'

'Care to go for a walk?' Jorah questioned holding out a hand for her. Begrudgingly she stood up hooking her hand with his.

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