23. What have you done?

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'What have you done?' Jorah questioned looking between the twins.

'I had to save him.' Danny said Jorah looked Neely.

'I tried to stop her but she's stuck in her head.' Neely told him.

'I had to save him.' Danny kept repeating

'We could've been 10 miles away from here by now you would've been safe,' Jorah told her 'you both would've been safe.' He locked eyes with Neely, they still had a chance but Danny wasn't going anywhere. Screams rang out as the spirits of the dead at work coming into the tent Neely looked back nervously as it echoed throughout the camp.

'this must not be!' the most stubborn arrogant pompous of the Dothraki said coming forward

'This must be.' Danny corrected

'Witch!' he spat moving to the tent.

'No you can't.' Danny said as he struck down one of his men to get to the witch, Danny charged at him and he threw her down as Neely stepped forward pulling her blade free but Jorah in full armor told her to check on her sister that he would handle it and he did. He fought the man but the armor weighed him down but it also protected him, the dothraki sword getting stuck in his armor Jorah sliced the man down as Danny cried out in pain.

'What's wrong? what's wrong?' Neely questioned confused, 'what's happening to her? I don't understand!' she shouted holding tight to her sister as Danny cried out in pain. The insubordinate dothraki lay dead outside the tent as Danny sobbed in pain

'Are you hurt?' Jorah asked kneeling before them Neely held her sister as Danny sobbed out.

'The baby... It's coming...' Danny said through labored breaths.

'Fetch the midwives!' Jorah demanded helping lift her up

'They will not come they fear she is cursed.'

'They will come or I will have their heads!' Neely demanded

'The witch. She can bring baby I think she say so...' the Dothraki said and Jorah walked Danny into the tent the tent no one was supposed to go hoping to save her life.


'Neely. Ser jorah,' danny panted out and jorah sheathed his sword and neely hugged danny tight.

'I thought I lost you,' Neely said miserably as they helped her sit up

'My son where is he I want him. Where is he?' Neely and Jorah couldn't speak

'The boy did not live.' Jorah told her

'I'm so sorry sister.'

'Tell me.' Danny said

'What is there to tell?' Jorah asked

'How did my son die?' she shouted

'He never lived my princess the women say...'

'What do the women say?' Danny spat.

'They say this child Was –' jorah began

'Monstrous twisted,' the witch said 'I pulled him out myself. He was scaled like a lizard lined with leather wings like the wings for bat. When I touched him the skin fell from his bones. Inside he was full of grave worms. I warned you that only death can pay for life. You know the price.'

'Where is KHAL Drago?' Danny demanded 'show him to me show me what I bought with my sons life.'

'As you command lady,' the witch said 'come I will take you to him.'

'There's time enough for that later.' Neely said. 'just rest for now-'

'I want to see him now!' Danny said through clenched jaw. Neely helped her walk out she was weak and pale paler than usual and she used Neely as a crutch.

'The khalasar is gone.' Danny noted once they were outside.

'A khal who cannot ride is no KHAL. The Dothraki only follow the strong. I'm sorry my Princess.' Jorah told her as they followed the witch out to the Cliffside she found the strength to run when she saw her husband dropping before him.

'Drogo. My sun and stars why is he out here alone?' Danny questioned

'He seems to like the warmth princess,' Jorah told her has Neely held tight to his hand. Danny pressed a kiss to Drago's lips.

'He lives.' the witch told her 'you asked for life you paid for life.'

'This is not life when will he be as he was?' Danny countered

'When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east when the seas go dry when the mountains blow in the wind like leaves,' the witch told her walking away. Danny had been tricked carefully Danny stood up, her eyes viciously staring at Mazdor.

'Leave us,' Danny demanded she was following after the witch

'I don't want you alone with that Sorcerous!' Neely told her.

'I have nothing to fear from this woman I'm going alone now you stay.' Danny demanded.

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