67. Risk

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'Tell Jon Snow that his queen invites him to come to Dragonstone... and bend the knee.'


' Gather round. Come here.'

'You think it's really Tyrion? It could be someone trying to lure you into a trap.' Sansa told jon 'Read the last bit. "All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes." What does that mean?'

'It's something he said to me the first night we met. You know him better than any of us. What do you think?' Jon questioned

'Tyrion's not like the other Lannisters. He was always kind to me, but it's too great a risk.'

"The Seven Kingdoms will bleed as long as Cersei sits on the Iron Throne. Join us. Together, we can end her tyranny." Sounds like a charmer.' Jon told them.

'Of course, the casual mention of a Dothraki horde, a legion of Unsullied, and three dragons... a bit less charming.'

'What? Fire kills wights, you told me. What breathes fire?' Jon countered.

'You're not suggesting Jon meet with her?'

'- No, too dangerous.'

' -But?'

'But if the Army of the Dead makes it past the Wall, do we have enough men to fight them? If the Mad King's daughter takes the Iron Throne, she'll destroy the realm as we know it. Some of you are bannermen of House Tyrell. But House Tyrell is in open rebellion against the crown. With their help, the Mad King's daughter has ferried an army of savages to our shores... mindless Unsullied soldiers who will destroy your castles and your holdfasts, Dothraki heathens who will burn your villages to the ground, rape and enslave your women, and butcher your children without a second thought.'


'We should hit Kings Landing hard with the dragons it will fall in the day!' yara declared

'With the dragons thousands will die in the fire war' Tyrion told her

'It's called war!' oberyns mistress Ellaria said.

'We don't poison little girls here either...' Tyrion added. 'marcella was innocent' he still couldn't get over the fact that this woman killed his niece, Marcella was a sweet kind girl and it was his fucking fault. He was the one that sent her away to form a union between them and dorne... if had hadn't Marcella would most likely be alive right now... perhaps death was a mercy to living in this war, this game.

'there are no innocent Lannister's!' she stared down at him, 'my greatest regret was the oberyn died fighting for you!' she screamed.

'Watch it,' Neely spat a blade outstretched to Ellaria's neck she faltered just the slightest. 'Tyrion is our Hand and our friend, you are a means to an end.' Neely warned and Tyrion smiled appreciatively up at her.

'That is enough!' danny demanded and Neely lower her blade. 'tyrion is hand of the queen you will treat him with respect!' Danny said silencing them 'I am not here to be queen of the ashes' she said looking to Tyrion.

'That's very nice to hear of course I can't remember a queen who's better loved than my granddaughter' olenna tyrell said 'the common people loved her the nobles loved her and what is left of her now?' Olenna Tyrell said 'ashes. Commoners, nobles they're all just children really they won't obey you unless they fear you.' She told danny.

'Grandma is not wrong.' Neely remarked and Olenna stared over at her. Neely offered a coy smile.

'I'm grateful to you, to all of you, for your council you've chose to follow me but I will not attack Kings Landing. WE will not attack kings landing.' Danny told them confidently.

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