Seventy-Seven Mika

Start from the beginning

Fear spreads through my veins as I watch him reach for the door.

"Asiel!" I sob out.

"No. I don't want to hear a word," Asiel replies bitterly.

I choke on my tears, but I'm past the point of caring about small, pointless things like ego and pride. "So what? Are we not going to talk about it? Say something. Anything. Please, just let me ex-."

Finally, he spins on his heels, his tear brim irises pierce into mine, lacking a single ounce of warmth. There's only agony, hatred, and anger in them. My broken heart falls to the pit of my stomach as I witness the pain I inflicted on one of my victims firsthand. It's bone-deep, gut-wrenching, and vigor enough to vaporize you from the inside.

"Talk about what, huh?" His voice raises as his nostrils flare with rage. "How many more ways are there for you to rip my heart out?"

In the blink of an eye, all his anger evaporates like water, and he sobs violently in his palm, his body trembling with emotion. "How fucking long did you think you could keep this from me? Until we're married? Had a family?"

I sigh, tasting the salty tears on my lips. "I'm sorry."

Asiel holds his head high, but his lips betray him, quivering as he sinks his teeth into his plump flesh. "You sorry it happened, or that I found out?"

My eyes silently plead with him, begging him to just listen to me long enough for me to explain everything. "I'm sorry about all of it. Asiel, you have to believe me. I never wanted to hurt you. I-I love you."

"Stop saying that." He squeezes his eyes closed, a mar forming between his eyebrows. "Why would you make me fall in love with you if you knew this? Was this your plan? Did you feel guilty for ruining my life that you volunteered as a tribute? Thought maybe if this man got some love, that he would move the fuck on?"

I jerk back as if I've been slapped by his accusations. "No, Asiel. Nothing was on purpose. It's just a big misunderstanding, okay? Let me just say my pe-." He silences me by grabbing my mouth, bitterly forcing it closed.

"What's the misunderstanding? That you accidentally killed my brother?" He scoffs, wiping the tear streaks on his face. "I saw the video. There's no point in you trying to talk yourself out of this. It's done. Any love I had for you is gone. We're done. You're sick. You're a monster. You need help. You're my worse mistake, Mika. I wish we never fucking met."

The door slams behind him, and I slide to the ground, my wrist aching from being propelled at an awkward angle.

A monster.

Diablo would be laughing because everything he said that would happen --- happened.

Asiel would have never chosen me even if he bothered to learn the true stakes of everything, familia is familia. I'm nothing but a random girl from the street. My eyes flutter close, greeted with nothing but more misery and tears as they trickle down my eyes. Ah, this is what love must feel like? I felt the good. Now, it's time to feel the bad.

I wanted to scream, laugh, sing-- anything but cry.

I don't care how insane it makes me look.

Monsters always revel in the darkness, in the insanity. So, I laugh like a fucking psychopath. But eventually, it turns into more weeping and furiously kicking my legs or yanking my hands. There's no doubt that Mateo sold me out. I applaud him-- he beat me to the punch. He knew if I explained everything, Asiel had the chance to forgive me.

But Mateo went ahead and created his own narrative. Something worse, sinister enough to have Asiel never look at me again. Nine times out of ten, anxiety creates the most exaggerated scenarios, but it's always worse than reality.

Except this is an exception.

This is the worst care scenario. 

I don't even know if there's anything left to fight for.

I feel lost, alone, and petrify by facing the consequences of my actions. Good evening Devil, my close best friend. I swayed away from you when I saw a glimmer of light. Don't worry, buddy. There's not much left waiting for me here. The only person I loved fucking hates my guts so.

I might visit you earlier than I expected.

Don't wait up-- I'm not sure if tonight's the night we meet.

🥹😭😭😭😭Guys, this chapter hurt so freaking much to write like I don't want to tear my babies apart... but we can't have the climax without a little turmoil🥹🥹

Why couldn't Asiel give Mika a chance to talk? I want to smack him but I don't blame him... he's being pulled in a tidal wave of emotions 🥹🥹🥹 my two babies

How do you guys feeel? Are you crying? Do you just want to bash their heads to communicate like a couple? 🥹What do you think is going to happen next?

Thank you guys for supporting me and I can't wait to read all your comments saying how much you hate me for doing this 😂😂I'll laugh about them and be happy that I stir emotions in you guys!

Love ya❤️💜❤️🤍❤️💜❤️🤍❤️

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