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"It's alright to cry when you're sad. It's not a weakness. It's a step to move on." (F/N) smiled softly.

That said, (F/N) heard him sniffle. She wrapped her arms around him and let him cry. 

After a few minutes, he calmed down. "Thank you, Coach (F/N)-chin." The boy thanked the coach.

She smiled. "Anytime, Atsushi. Here, have a treat. I got your favourite!" 

He took off the towel on his head and grabbed the snack out of (F/N)'s hands. "Thanks." (F/N) giggled.

"You know, I'm gonna quit." The purple head said. She smirked. "Are you sure?" He looked at her with a pout then looked to the side. 

"No." He replied. "Exactly. Come on, let's get you back to your team." (F/N) giggled. "Fine."

They both started to walk to the locker room. Once they arrived, they parted ways. "I'll see you next time, Atsushi! Bye for now!" (F/N) smiled. "Bye, Coach (F/N)-chin."

The said girl made her way to Seirin's locker room. Before she went in, she knocked on the door. 

"It's me, (F/N). I'm coming in!" She opened the door and greeted them with a bright smile.

"You made it this far! Be proud of yourself!" They all smiled back at her. "Thank you, (F/N)-chan/-san!" They yelled.

She walked closer to Kiyoshi. "Let me tape your knee, senpai." She said. "Sure, thank you." Kiyoshi thanked her. "No problem."

As she did so, she talked to the members about the game. "Oh, are you staying to watch the next match?" (F/N) asked.

"Of course." The team nodded. "Come watch with me and Alex. Oh, where's Taiga?" (F/N) looked around.

"He went to go see Himuro-san outside." Riko replied. "Hm. I see. I'll go find him. I'll see you guys later." She waved. "Alright. See you then!"

(F/N) exited the locker room and headed outside. She couldn't help but feel like something was off. 

Once she opened the door to head out, she heard voices yelling. "ALEX!" "TAIGA!" "TATSUYA!" The voices were loud.

She ran to where she heard the voices and saw the said names alongside a male that sounds familiar to the young coach.

"ALEX! TAIGA! TATSU!" She yelled. They all turned to see (F/N) looking at them. 

"What happened!? And who the hell is he?" She asked. The male with a red uniform stared at the young girl for a second.

"Eh? Is that you, (F/N)-chan? Man! You look fine!" The voice sounded cocky.

The said girl looked at him in shock and Kagami irked at his words.

"How do you know my name!? Wait..." The cogs in her brain started to think about how his voice sounds so familiar. 

"HAIZAKI SHOGO!?" She yelled. "Hehe. I see you still remember me." The other boys looked at her in confusion.

"Tatsu, Taiga. What happened before I came?" (F/N) asked. Himuro then started to tell her and Taiga what had happened before they both arrived.

How he and Alex were talking when Haizaki came and started to hit on Alex and when Himuro went to help Alex, he was hit. 

"I see you're still playing the violent card and hitting on girls, huh?" The young coach asked.

Just then, a ball was thrown his way. "Hey, hey, throwing a ball when you just got here? You really get on my nerves, Ryouta." Haizaki said.

MS. COACH - KUROKO NO BASKETWhere stories live. Discover now