never leaving my heart

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I would ask you to stop making me blush,
To stop roaming my mind all day long,
But I've learned that no matter how hard I try,
It seems I'll never get rid of these darn feelings for you.

Your silly antics will always make me laugh,
Your wonderful insight will always make me think harder,
Your encouragement and little noises will always make me smile,
And being next to you will always be a comfort and privilege to me.

You make me happy.
I thought it was just pushing hard that made me happy,
But the fact that I'm pushing hard with you,
Is what makes me happy.

So thanks for the blushing cheeks,
The funny comments,
The deep conversations,
And the little moments that make my day.

You're never leaving my heart appearantly and I couldn't be happier and more tired.

I for real just want a long nap and no hw plss is that too much to ask???


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