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I swear your smile is the cutest I've ever seen,
And when you laugh you infect the entire room with joy.

Like how could you be this sweet and considerate every day all damn day?

If it were just to me, then that would be a red flag.

But even while you're gaming

you're the perfect gentleman that even your teammates, 

though they be strangers look forward to playing with again.

The way you love your mom, 

take care of your sister, 

play with your brother, 

and respect your father speaks louder than anything you could ever say.

I just know that I don't have to worry about anything when I'm with you,
because you love me and that's enough.

Although most of my friends are guys, and I like hanging with them and roughing around,
I'm always yours.

You don't have to worry or give it a second thought because I'll love you so much
that you wont know if I'm gone for just a second.

I am your princess; always waiting for you to come around, always here for you night or day.

You're my prince; always arriving at the best time, always loving and listening to me even when I am insane.

I know that in between your busy life and mine, there isn't much time,
but darling come and find me when the stars come out
and we'll just lay there watching the moon rise and fall till sunrise.

Because when I look in your eyes in the dark,
I can hardly see a thing except your beautiful brown eyes shining brighter
than the brightest galaxy in the night.

Let me be your moon,
orbiting you, keeping you safe and balanced.
I'll take care of you from a distance until I can be next to you.

Lets just sit here forever, out in the cool, fresh night
watching the stars light up the sky.
I'll never leave your side until morning, and even then ill be next to you mentally.

Forever and always may mean "until our next breakup" for others,
but for us it literally means forever and always.

When we fight, its still forever and always.

When we're groggy in the mornings and say things we don't mean,
its still forever and always.

When we misunderstand each other and things get serious,
its still forever and always.

When we've been together all day, its still forever and always,
because I could never get enough of you.

When we get sick or are as healthy as a horse,
its still forever and always.

Because when I'm with you, I'm in ecstasy.
You are the cause of my happiness everyday and when I'm with you,
 all I see are stars.

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