d o I k n o w y o u?

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What if I forgot all about us,

and how we fell in love, 

and that we were in love?

I could fall in love with you all over again,

have a different experience 

and do things better this time around.

We would be so much wiser and older

the days would be even more fun and warm, 

and we could learn about each other more

as the stars came out and the nights got colder.

It would be difficult for some parts,

remembering that I can't remember,

but knowing that what we do right now 

are new things that we will always remember.

I just know that even if I did get amnesia,

and didn't remember you or your silly voices,

the long nights we've spent talking,

I would still fall in love with you all over again.

I would be able to see you as a stranger,

remember what it was like to not know you,

and pass you by without a second thought,

until the thought would come to me, 

"excuse me, do I know you?".

Those words would echo in my mind,

every time it would happen, 

either you or I would lose our memory,

and there it would go again, 

an endless cycle of meeting each other for the "first" time.

Think about how fun it would be, 

to live many different lives,

to fall in love in many different ways 

but to find each other again through it all?

Lets live a million lives,

forget who we are,

and meet again as strangers with a forgotten past.

Then, we can have truly fallen in love all over again. 

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