not afraid anymore

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getting heart broke became so normal for me,

I expected it from you of all people.

I loved you like there was no tomorrow, 

because for me there was no tomorrow,

there was just now and the moment.

I knew it was a matter of time before you got tired of me,

and decided to stop playing and get off the rollercoaster.

I was afraid

of losing


I was afraid of not being enough.

I was afraid of loving too hard or not loving enough.

I was afraid of how you might react once you saw who I was.

Then you started telling me, 

" I don't care, i love you anyways, whenever you're ready just tell me". 

Words are easy to believe but you kept yours.

You never backed down,

 and were always there even if you were a little late.

You loved me continuously and unconditionally.

Didn't care if I was mean at the moment because you said, 

" I know you'll make up for it in the future, so I don't mind waiting".

I knew then that I had no reason to be afraid,

I didn't need to worry about how things would go,

and I could just trust you to stay.

I could loosen my grip, my obsession just a little.

You weren't gonna leave me like the others before,

and if you did, I could settle with the fact 

because you loved me unconditionally once. 

Now that I've learned not to be afraid of so much 

and just trust you, 

I can share so much with you that I couldn't before.

I can share my past, 

I can share my love,

and sympathy.

And to add the icing on the cake, 

which is sweet just like you,

when I asked you to wait for me,

you did. 

You didn't know why, 

you didn't understand full the reason, 

but you said yes without hesitation.

It was then that I knew, 

I don't need to have my guard up with you.

Whatever you give me, punches or kisses,

I'll take it gladly. 

I'm not afraid anymore.

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