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honestly, i have such great intuition and foresight, but anyways, remember I once said, (in the first chapter),

"And if one day, you chose another to be yours, to love, and cherish, 

although you would leave me, my heart and love would go on with you.

Whoever she may be, she would never know fully what gem stumbled into her life; 

the true beauty and worth of this priceless pearl.

He would love her till the end of his life, give his all and even more to make her happy, 

and put his heart right next to hers every day.

To her I say, this is someone that even I do not deserve, but it was decided that you should have

him, so enjoy every moment he is with you, thinks about you, 

does things for you, and builds a family with you.

He is someone that God blessed with the ability to interact well with other people; a strong

influence for the worse or the better.

His humor is simple, very silly but very much who he is.  

So it is important that you be able to vibe with him at least for a little, 

if not you will be listening to hours of agonizingly dumb humor.

Trusting him is very easy but maintaining the trust both ways is a bit more difficult since he will

want to focus on you communicating and sharing your issues with him so you don't bear them

all alone.

This is where you need to take a stand and say, 

"Yes, thank you for your support, but now, let me support you as you have to me. 

Let me into your heart and head, let me help your troubles go away".

Be warned he is an intensive gamer, always has been, and always will be. 

No doubt he will probably pass it down to his children so you need to be careful to be a good 


Otherwise, he is a gentleman, always attentive to being helpful although sometimes he may

miss the main point.

He does have qualities that need fine-tuning, but who doesn't? 

I definitely do, so I am in no position to judge.

All of this is to say when the time comes for me to pass him on to someone he loves dearly 

and let go, please just take good care of him and love him, 

and treat him even better than I did.

I have made so many mistakes and done so many things and said things I wish I could take back

but what has happened has happened and there's no taking it back.

I really enjoyed every second I spent with him because no matter if we fought or kissed,

 he means the most to me and always will".

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