~let me in~

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everyone has a secret hiding spot that is their fortress,

for some its their bed and comfy blanket,

and others its a quiet spot.

The place where they unload their troubles, 

and cry it all out.

Its so private, 

although it may be crowded with people

that I'm sure nobody would know that it was the spot,

unless you told them so.

And sometimes this place is a person,

with whom you let the tears flow freely,

without a doubt or regret.

But sometimes your private spot will get a visitor,

and they'll either barge in and be at home,

or come knocking softly, 

"let me in". 

Those three words are very simple,

yet carry a lot of meaning.

It is someone who cares,

who loves and trusts that waits at the door,

softly knocking and waiting to be let in.

But since this place is so special and private,

you may want to say, 

"there's no one home, come again another day"

but not have them leave entirely.

That's why they knock softly asking, 

hey, let me in.

I'll be your shoulder to cry on,

I'll wipe your tears away,

and if it helps I'll cry with you too.

Its the gentle approach that shows love

that gets results, 

not the brash insensitive ones.

So hey,




let me in?

Love Poems || FINISHEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ