first and final

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Every breath we take,

every hour that passes,

each memory we make,

could be our final.

One moment their here,

living happily, by our side,

or working alone, hoping for a break.

They're all gone in a second.

The memories they made,

the impact they had,

didn't matter who witnessed it,

whether good or bad,

they're gone in a flash.

The examples they put forth,

the effort they made,

the cause for which they struggled for so long,

its all over now.

Their loved ones, who recall their past,

their every quirk and feature,

they are the vessel in which they live on.

Their impact on others is what stays, not their face.

While on this earth make sure to live greatly.

Not as in the great of great wars or conquests,

nor great romances or great trials of love,

but greatness that is acknowledged through work.

Greatness that comes from a pure and gentle heart,

a hardworking spirit, a compassionate and clean mind.

Hands that have built up a honest reputation,

and feet that have gone to the ends of the earth for love

This is how you will be remembered,

by the impact you had, not only on their feelings,

but their homes, their lives, and well being.

Great. Strong.

Live every day as if it were your last opportunity

to do good, or at least leave behind an honesty legacy.

One without regrets, do-overs, or hatred.

We only get one life, what we do with it is our own choice,

but how we are remembered is up to everyone else.

What they saw us do, how we did it, and how often.

If you love someone, don't tell them. Show them.

If you need to confess and ask for forgiveness,

go and work harder, to not make the same mistake.

This is our First and Final life on earth.

Make every day count. 

No matter where you have started,

keep climbing the stairs, keep going,

it's a consistent effort you're making. 

The breath you have just taken to read this verse,

may be your last, have you thought of that?

How will you be remembered when you're gone?

As a loyal friend or a greedy rat?

As I have said, take time and think.

Improve yourself, then those around you will see,

you're making the world a better place

by simply starting with plain old me.

After all, every good and bad deed,

from a babe to an old man,

could be their very first and last,

so make yours count.

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