"Wow, such a handful lady, but I would gladly accept this mess," Ayleen said poking my forehead.

"I am old now, I am done with dangerous situations,  I just wanna lay here," I told them and closed my eyes, relaxing under Ayleen's touch. 

The weekend flew by faster than I wanted it to, we went back to our lives, and the few days we had together started to feel like a dream.. Ayleen was too busy with college and I was too busy handling angry clients, we barely had time to talk on the phone trying to hide our relationship from Serena.

I was out of the closet and proud, Ayleen, on the other hand, was deep in it, her family is too strict and she feared they would disown her if Serena were to tell them.

The sneaking around was not my cup of tea and it was hard for me to not get what I want when I wanted it, but with Ayleen I was slowly getting used to a lot of new things for the sake of our relationship.

However, eight days with no sex was pushing my limits too hard, our differences were slowly starting to show and become more prominent but deep down I knew it was because everyone kept pointing those differences out.

Everything they have been saying was slowly affecting my thoughts and with Ayleen being absent, I had no one to calm my storm.

As I sat down in my office thinking of my mother's and Marcus's speculations about my relationship with Ayleen, they became so real.. my mind could only see failure for this relationship and for myself.. maybe I could never be good enough.

A knock on my door broke my train of thoughts.

Ayleen's POV

Clara has been different the last couple of days, she became distant and barely called me.. Which was understandable since I had to hang up on her a couple of times due to Serena walking into my room uninvited, and on top of it all I had to refuse her dinner invitation. 

I felt like I owed her an apology and had some making up to do. Deciding to go to her office I wanted to surprise her and take her away on a lunch break if she could take one. 

For the first time, I made it to her office, which to lack of my surprise was located in a fancy building on the 18th floor. This woman lived in her own high tower, both figuratively and literally.

Once the elevator took me to her floor I walked into a glass office with a couple of rooms and a huge reception, everything was decorated with black and white furniture.

Approaching the blonde woman sitting behind the desk, which I assumed to be Clara's secretary, of course, a gorgeous woman, why am I not surprised?

"Hey, I am here to see Clara," I said excitedly, she looked me up and down and adjusted her glasses.

"Ms. Alcaraz has a very busy schedule today, do you have an appointment?" She said Clara's last name as if it was rude of me to address her so casually, also an appointment? I didn't consider that. 

"No.. but.." I tried to explain before being interrupted. 

"I am afraid I can't help you, have a good day," she dismissed me in a matter of seconds and looked back at her laptop not sparing me another glance. 

"Maybe I can wait for her," I suggested already intimidated by the situation, unsure of how to act. 

She let out a heavy sigh. "Listen miss, you can't show up here and expect to walk in and meet with Ms. Alcaraz, this is not how we do things around here," her tone was undermining me in a lot of ways.

" I am a friend.." I told her unsurely, not knowing if it was okay to announce our relationship at her workplace. 

"Ms. Alcaraz has many 'friends' they are not allowed in with no appointment," she said the word friends with air quotes which meant she thought I was one of Clara's nightstands.

"Ayleen?" I heard Marcus' voice. 

"Oh Marcus, thank god, I came to surprise Clara but she won't let me through," I pleaded feeling lost, I knew Marcus was against my relationship with Clara but he would definitely let me see her.

"Sofia, are you out of your mind? Come Ayleen, this way," he rested his hand on my lower back which made me slightly uncomfortable but I was glad he was helping me out. 

We walked away from the confused secretary and knocked on a black door with Clara's name on it. 

"Enter," I heard her say, it sounded exhausted and annoyed, I hope she is not in a bad mood.

"I found this lost puppy outside," Marcus said as he opened the door and entered.

Clara's eyes moved from Marcus to me, her confused tired expression was immediately changed to a more welcoming and loving one. She got up in a hurry and walked around her desk, immediately embracing me and lifting me off the ground.

"Ayleen!" She said before she sealed her hungry lips on mine, her tongue forced its way into my mouth without a warning and my head started spinning, everything was happening too fast.

"Okay, I will leave before you start fucking," Marcus said in an annoyed tone. "Oh and Clara, tell Sofia she is allowed to see you, she grilled the poor girl before I saved her."

"What?" Clara broke the kiss and gave Marcus an angry look, he raised his hands in defense.

"Hey, I saved her," he defended himself.

"My hero," I joked and Clara shot me an angry look that made me whimper and shut up instantly, she then grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the receptionist.

"Sofia!" She basically screamed at the girl making her jump from her seat.

"Yes Ms. Alcaraz,  I already told her she needs an appointment but Marcus.." she tried to defend herself, I was feeling sorry for the poor girl, I really didn't want to be on Clara's bad side.

"I don't care what I am doing, who I am meeting with, what time of the day, week, month it is.. If Ayleen walks through this door, she enters my office immediately, am I clear?" Clara shouted at the terrified girl.

"Y.. yes Ms. Alcaraz,  I am sorry Ms. Ayleen," Sofia said trembling.

"Show my girlfriend some respect," she hissed and pulled me back to her office slamming the door in  Marcus's and Sofia's faces.

I could get used to this treatment.

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