My eyes twitch. "If you want me to keep doing the heavy lifting for you, then I'm going to need an explanation."

His smile fades as he grips my arm, squeezing the shit tight enough to leave a bruise in its wake. "You don't need shit. I don't know what made you think you have any authority in our relationship. You serve me like how you serve everything with a pulse. Remember, you're nothing."

My nose flare. "Whatever. Will you let me go now?"

Using his other hand, Mateo grips my cheek, pinching the skin on the apple of my cheek. "I will. But first..." A sinister smirk curls on his lips. "Bark for me."

I scoff, taken aback. "What?"

"You heard me," he says, his eyes flaring with entertainment. "Be an obedient bitch. Get on your knees and bark for me."

My blood boils as if an explosion ticks down to the inevitable end. Against my fucking will, I lower myself to my knees and curl my palms into fists brutal enough to leave marks in them. I hate this with a burning passion, but there is nothing I can do. So, I swallow my pride and perform the horrific, humiliating act if it means Asiel stays breathing for the night.

Was this my punishment?

No, it can't be.

A person like Mateo, a killer like Mateo, didn't deserve to torture me for all my wrongdoings. Ignoring Mateo's gaze, I bark like a fucking dog and lose a shred of dignity and respect for myself.

A burst of laughter escapes his lips as he pets my head, throwing my hair into a jumbled mess on my head. "Since you were a good pet, Mika, I'll tell you. I killed Don Morterero because he had other plans on who to make Jefe— I wasn't going to let him get the chance to name that son of a bitch. Continue to do as I say and I'll keep your man safe. Got it?"

Losing another shred of respect, I glance at him, still kneeling on the floor. "What about Tania?"

His eyebrows scrunch up. "Tania? What about her?"

Hoisting myself up, I brush the strands away from my eyes. "She genuinely loves you. You can do whatever you need to, but leave her out of it. Tania isn't a part of this."

He yawns, glancing at the Rolex watch on his wrist. "Tania knows her place, Mika. As long as she stays there and you do what you need to do, then she will be left alone. Sadly, what I feel for her can only go so far. So, don't force my hand, Mika. I wouldn't want to hurt her, but it depends on you."

"You are a disgusting piece of shit," I spat, scrunching my nose in disgust.

Mateo shrugs. "So I have heard. Now, excuse me. I have to mourn my father figure. He was taken away too early."

Like a psychopath, tears cascade down his cheeks like a broken dam as he walks into the church entry. He doesn't fail to stare into my soul with wicked eyes before disappearing into the ceremony. Wow. If Mateo walks in without bursting into flames, then I am sure I could, too. Interesting.

Scoping the perimeter, I find every parked car empty and the door of the church closing. It's begun. Digging into my pocket, I pull a cigarette out and flick my finger over the flit to turn the lighter on. The fire burst into an orange, reddish flame, darkening the tip of the stick. I shake the flit off the cig and take a long drag, filling my lungs until I can't hold my breath.

My eyes close as I retain the smoke in my lungs, tarnishing the healthy tissues in my organs. If I'm ruining myself on the outside-- might as well do it on the inside. Slowly, my mouth plunges open to air out the smoke, and I relax immediately, as if I was lying on the grass. Cigarettes get a harsh reputation-- it isn't their fault that nicotine is so addictive.

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