30: Baking

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I was sitting in my bed bored out of my mind wondering what there is to do. I shot up from the bed running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

After looking threw every single cupboard I finally found a small bowl to crack the eggs in then a much larger one to add all the dry ingredients in to.

I wrote down the recipe then put it in a little box I found I wasn't using in my room. I'm going to start a recipe box. Every recipe I create or make I'll write down and put it in a box.

I started to get out all of the ingredients I needed and all the cooking utensils I would use. Once I had started mixing the wet ingredients when Carlo walked in.

"What are you making." He dipped his finger in the batter before I walked him with the wooden spoon I had in my hand. He winced not before flipping me off. He put his hand on my hip then tilted his head "I don't like you." He pointed his finger at me when he said 'you' I rolled my eyes "Yeah well me either."

Damien came in the kitchen and went to touch my batter but then seen the spoon in my hand so he back away. "What are you making." He asked while grabbing some water. "Vanilla cake ." Carlo looked offended when I answered Damien. "You didn't answer me when is asked you." I just ignored him.

Carlo leaned over the counter "you know I heard that Damien loves vanilla just like his sex, vanilla." Damien snapped his head towards Carlo before he ran off screaming because he was being chased by Damien. "Divya help me." I just laughed.

I continued on my cake while remembering the recipe in my head.

Vanilla Cake Recipe
4 ounces (113 g) whole milk to be mixed with the oil
3 ounces (85 g) canola oil
6 ounces (170 g) whole milk to be mixed with the eggs
1 tablespoon (1 tablespoon) vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean pod
3 large (3 large) eggs room temperature
13 ounces (368 g) cake flour
13 ounces (368 g) granulated sugar
3 teaspoons (14 g) baking powder
1/4 teaspoon (1/4 teaspoon) baking soda
1/2 teaspoon (1/2 teaspoon) salt
8 ounces (227 g) unsalted butter softened to room temperature but not melted

Easy Buttercream Frosting
16 ounces (454 g) powdered sugar
4 ounces (113 g) pasteurized egg whites
2 teaspoons (2 teaspoons ) vanilla extract
16 ounces (454 g) unsalted butter softened to room temperature but not melted
1/4 teaspoon (1/4 teaspoon) salt
1 TINY drop of food die (optional)
1 Tablespoon white sprinkles for decorating

(This is a real recipe from my favourite website just separate the dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls then add them all together bit by bit)

"Oh shoot I'm out of butter." I said while drying my hands. "Hey one of you to hooligans want to go to the shops with me." Both of them looked at me while saying 'me' at the same time they then looked at each other and began wrestling on the floor.

I rolled my eyes than dragged them both up from the floor while grabbing a random pair of keys that Carlo probably stole because he was not allowed to drive any of Lorenzo's cars since he BROKE the pool.

Don't even ask me how me did it. That boy could do half the things Satan wouldn't even think of doing.

The both followed me like lost puppies to the car not before wrestling again because they both want the aux cord. "Get up fuck faces I get the cord now get your asses up before I leave you." They both quickly got up and jumped in the car.

Once we had all gotten in the car with Carlo pushing Damien so he could get in the passenger seat I pulled out and we were on the road. "Wait aren't you like on house arrest or something because he kidnapped you or whatever." I scoffed "no, what are you talking about." Damien just gave me a look before my phone rang.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I mumbled before connecting it to the car and answering the phone.

( Divya- italics. Lorenzo- bold)

"Divya. Where are you."

"Uh funny thing is I'm in my uh room yeah in my room."

"We'll unless your really good at hiding your because I'm in your room and guess what your not here."

"Good bye."

I hung up on him as soon as I could then pressed my lips in a thin line. "Your gonna die." Can you guess who that came from. Yep Carlo. "Wow thank you for that input. Now shut up because we're here and I want to be alive for how long I can."

We all went into the shops and got some butter. This shopping tip went smoothly if you don't count the fight that went on because a shop attendant was 'looking' at me wrong.

"I played video games till 1 am then waffles
(his bear) refused to go to sleep. So I ended
up arguing with my panda till 4 or 5 am.
Now he's in time out!" Carlo was currently explaining to me why he is so tired. What. The. Fuck? He's either high as a kite or needs therapy. Most likely the latter.

"Right. You sure you're okay?" Do you think
he'd be pissed if I talked to Lorenzo about booking him into a mental ward? Ehhhh, he'd probably find it amusing and treat it as a holiday. We can only aspire to have his type of carefreeness.

The rest of the way home, Enzo just found
new ways to piss me off. Including changing
the radio to pussy songs, sticking his head out
the window and even trying to grab the wheel.
I swear he has a death wish. I just looked back at Damien for help.

I yelled at him "CARLO PUT YOUR FUCKING HAND BACK IN AND STOP TRYING TO GRAB THE WEEL." He suddenly put his hand in the pouted.

"What do you think I could do to make Lorenzo less mad at me." I asked. I thought nobody would reply to me until Damien decided to speak up.

"Why don't you just promise him a blowjob or something." He said nonchalantly.

Is this fucker serious?

"I wouldn't mind that." A voice suddenly came from out of nowhere. I jumped as Carlo and Damien laughed. "Fuck you Carlo and Damien. I thought he was gone."

"Still here darling."

"Ahh fuck you." I made sure I hung up after that than leaned back while the other two had a good laugh.

Iv been sick for a week and still sick. It's fucking awful. But on the plus side I'm watching vampire diary's and sleeping without an annoying alarm to wake me.🤭


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