21: First kiss??

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Divya pov

As soon as I woke up I snuck out of my room to go find Lorenzo's. Don't even ask me how I got past the guards. To be honest I don't even know myself. And he says my room is well 'protected' with lots of security.

As I walk the halls I find myself looking at family photos. There's a big photo at the end of the hallway which catches my attention. There's about twelve people in it. A girl with gorgeous dirty blond hair one the right side and a guy with brown hair one the left side.

I'm the middle of them is the ten kids of which I can presume is youngest to oldest, all their eyes look dead. There's no emotion in them at all like someone just snatched away the happiness, at least the blond woman try's to put a smile on her face so 'A' for effort right, the rest of them their all wearing a blank expression.

Next to that photo Is a photo of two boys. A young boy with a older one standing next to him. The young boy looks like Lorenzo while the older one has his hand on his shoulder. Lorenzo's hair is coming out in five different directions while his bottom lip is stuck in a pout with his arms folded against his chest.

I go up a flight of stairs to find only one bedroom. I'll take it that's Lorenzo's. I ever so quietly open the door with one hand while my other is carrying a bucket full of cold water and ice.

Just to make sure it's Lorenzo a sneak a little closer just to see Lorenzo's face relaxed while his head is resting on his arm which is behind his head. He only has grey sweats hanging dangerously low while his chest was on display.

He had a very toned chest with an eight-pack. Tattoos covered his whole chest but one that caught my attention was the one above his heart. It was half of a heart while black lines going all threw it like someone just shattered it.

My eyes make my way back up to his face that's resting ever so peacefully. Oh well it's a "shame" I'll have to ruin his Beaty sleep.

I quickly dumped the whole bucket of water on him. He shot up then looked around the room. As soon as his eyes caught mine I sprinted out of that room like my life depended on it even though it probably did.

I could hear his heavy footsteps running behind me. I quickly made it to my room and slammed the door on his face. His fist came in contact with the door as he started pounding on it shouting at me to open the door.

I don't know why he's even bothering to shout at me even when we both know I'm not going to answer the door.

After a while of knocking it went quiet. I opened the door which I now realise was a very stupid decision as he grabbed my hips a threw me onto the bed while closing the door with his foot.

He quickly pinned my arms down by my side. As i looked up at him my eyes were glued to the drips of water running down his perfectly sculpted face.

I licked my lips as his gaze fell onto my lips. He ever so slowly leaned in as I copied his movements. Just as our lips were about to touch a knock on the door interrupted us. My head jolted upwards which resulted in our lips ever so slightly touched.

I pushed him off me and went to open the door just to find a maid. I raised an eyebrow.

"Salve signorina, vi sto solo informando che la colazione e' servita."
(hello miss, just letting you know that breakfast is served.)

"grazie. Scendo tra un minuto." She nodded her head and walked off after closing the door.

I turned back around to Lorenzo. "Out" I pointed to the door. He walked to the door but just before he closed the door he said "The ball is Tomorrow. I'm taking you dress shopping so hurry up and met me at the door in 30."

"We'll okay then" I said as he had already walked out the door.

I entered the bathroom and stripped them waited till the shower warmed up at bit then got in. I washed myself and face yada yada did the normal routine then got out and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel.

I entered my closet to pick out an outfit. A white turtle neck sweater paired with a skirt that reached my mid thigh and a black belt then black tights and a cream jacket with cream boots.

As I walked down to the kitchen I smelt chocolate chip pancakes

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As I walked down to the kitchen I smelt chocolate chip pancakes. I sat down at the island as the same maid walked up to me and placed the plait of them in front of me.

I nodded my head in appreciation. Once I had finished my breakfast I went to wash the dish but a mid quickly snatched it off me then waved me off telling me that was her job.

"Finally" I raised my head to see Lorenzo leaning against the car. I purposely took smaller and slower steps just to annoy him. "Hurry up" I took even slower steps. He walked over to me and just as he was about to reach me I ran around him and locked myself in the car.

He waved the keys in my face from the other side of the window and my face dropped.


He unlocked the car and started it then we were off to the mall.


Sooooo two chapters in two days.

:) xx

Divya Where stories live. Discover now