28: office

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As we got out of the elevator and walked into Lorenzo's office I made him carry me. I was tired and moody so I made him. We made it to his office and I walked over to the couch, wrapped myself in a blanket then lied down on the couch.

He walked over to his desk, opened his laptop and started reading emails. I pulled out my phone to scroll on Instagram for a while even though I have no one on there besides Aria.

I don't really use Instagram much it's just for entertainment I guess. After about an hour and a half of scrolling I started to get hungry so I decided I would order something from Uber eats. "Hey are you hungry." I asked while looking over at him. He hummed. Okay... I'm going to take that as a yes. "What do you want." He was to busy paying attention to his laptop to pay any attention to me.

Okay then, "Okay so i myself got a burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake and I ordered you worm soup and puke pudding, is that alright." I held in my laughter. "Uh yeah yeah I'll eat that." "Are you sure" I asked again. "Yeah wait can you read what you order me again." I read it out to him again waiting for his reaction. He nodded "yeah that's oka- wait what." I couldn't hole my laughter in anymore. I bursted out laughing at his horrified expression.

I needed up laughing so hard I dropped my phone and had to stand up. Then I randomly remembered when I overheard his brother I think telling one of his friends how Lorenzo accidentally ate worms the cried for days because he thought they were baby sharks waiting to get released into the ocean.

"Okay haha very funny, What on earth are you laughing so hard about now." I tried taking deep breaths before wheezing out " I-I overheard your brother I think t-telling someone about how you ate w-worms then cried for d-days because you thought they were baby s-sharks waiting to be released into the o-ocean." I watched as his face changed from horror to anger in a quick three seconds, that just caused me to laugh even harder.


Carlo that bloody idiot I'm going to kill him. I watched as she laughed like a crazy person on drugs. "Shut the fuck up." I hissed and she
completely ignored me, cackling like a maniac. "You're going to die!" I shouted and tried to
grab the slice of pizza that I originally warmed up for her because I found it in my office fridge but she dodged me. How the
fuck is she so fast? "Your dirty little secret is.. Oh fuck, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe." She gasped and finally gave up on taking a bite of the pizza. She threw it down in the box and slapped her thigh, nearly screeching with laughter.

She has the prettiest smile.

"Don't judge me." I scowled at her. She was now laughing so hard with no noise except the odd wheeze and hiccup. My jaw dropped and I picked up a jelly bean that was sitting in the bowl on my desk to throw at her head. "Don't fucking laugh at me!" I snapped. winced when the jelly bean hit her straight in the forehead and her eyes went crooked. I didn't mean to actually hit her and she didn't know that because her face turned into a sharp glare and she lunged at me full force. My eyes grew in fear. She was so fucking scary when she wanted to be.

"You bastard." She shouted her tiny fists went to grip my hair, tugging and pulling at it. "Okay.Okay.Okay" I said gripping her wrist to stop her pulling at my hair then flipping us over so her back was on the couch. I got off her then walked backwards but tripped over her shoe, fell backwards and landed strait on my ass.

"Ow" I whined rubbing my tailbone. That hurt like a bitch.

"Good I hope it's broken." Divya declared picking up a cushion from the couch and chucking it strait at my head. I didn't have time to dodge it before it smashed against my face and slid strait down into my lap. My eyes turned into slits as I frowned at her.

"God I can't stand you, I swear to god." She just laughed at him and stuck her middle finger up, flipping me off.

"Okay so I ordered you the same as me, sadly they didn't do worm soup and puke pudding." I just shook my head at her while replying to some stupid emails that Carlo apparently can not handle.

The door opens with a knock and Carlo come in with a bag of food in his hands and eating some chips. His eyes went strait over to Divya who was staring at the food like she was ready to pounce on it but then went strait to Carlo who was eating the chips, her eyes turned murderous. I rolled my eyes and motioned to Carlo to give her the bag of food. The second he gave it to her she dived strait into the bag and pulled out a burger and fries not before flipping him off. "Do. Not. Ever. Eat. My. Food. Again. Unless. You. Want. To. Die." Carlo turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

I sighed "Divya met my best friend Carlo, Carlo meet Divya."

Divya looked him up and down before going back to closing her eyes and leaning back in the couch eating her food. I laughed at his shocked face. He huffed then walked closer to me. "Are you two dating, you would be the perfect couple." I shot him a look. "You have three seconds to get out before I shoot you." I was about to get out my gun but Divya pulled one out first.

Wait- what where did she pull a gun out from.

"You heard him, three seconds." She said while putting her finger on the trigger. I smirked and leaned back in my chair.


Once she got to one he ran out screaming bloody murder. "Your best friend is an idiot." I nodded my head. "I agree with you very much."


Another chapter. Yay 😁

It is my birthday today so I purposely posted this chapter on my birthday.

Oh and I found out people from my school are reading this which is a little embarrassing but oh well. So if your from my school and reading this and personally know me, Hello. 😃


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