10: go to bed

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Lorenzo's pov

When I got to the scene the shipment was still there so there was hope.

I had about 50 guards with me just in case something unexpected happens.

As I got closer my guards that I had watching the shipment was dead and spread all around the shipment in a big circle with an initial carved into their forehead.

Well that's less guards I have to pay now.

My guards all pointed their guns at the shipment container when I was about to open it.

When I opened it I felt a sharp pain on my thigh.

I looked down to see a snake had bit me.

I grabbed it by the neck and ripped it off.

There were thousands of snakes and spiders in that container.

All my guns and torture weapons are gone.

The guards quickly closed the container doors.

I fell to the ground.

Wow the venom is working fast.

Carlo came rushing to me.

"Merda, ti portiamo in ospedale perché da quello che so dovresti essere morto tra una trentina di minuti"
(Shit, let's get you to the hospital because from what I know you should be dead In about thirty minutes)

He dragged me back to the car.

"carlo giuro su dio che ti picchierò il culo per avermi trascinato." I said with anger clear in my voice.
(carlo i swear to god i will beat your ass for dragging me.)

He just chuckled and shook his head at me.

"Dumb piccola merda" I mumbled just so Carlo could hear me.
(Dumb little shit)

Got to admit who ever this person was is smart doing this shit.

Once we had gotten home I ordered my tech people to go and find this bloody person before someone's head gets to put a dent in my wall.

"Sophia" Carlo called out.

This old woman with grey hair and green eye came out.

Of course she had grey hair she's old.


Once she saw me she rushed me over to her bed thingy.

Bed thingy? I must be delusional.

She put this infection in me to kill the venom.

"Right so the venom didn't spread to your whole entire body which is good, but your left leg will be really weak and you will be in a lot of pain so lots of rest and pain killers, ok?" She looked between me and Carlo.

Before I could get a word out Carlo interrupted "sure thing doc" then dragged me out of the room.

"Boy am I going to have fun with this but you will probably kill me afterwards oh well it will be worth it." What the hell is he talking about.

"Sit your shit down and do not move out of this bed" Carlo instructed me.

"No I have asses to deal with, I need to work" he roughly pushed me back onto the bed when I tried to get up.

"Sit.Down" Carlo said dangerous calm.

I rolled my eyes then sat down.

My plan was to trick him, once he leaves the room I'll get up and go do work in my office.

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