11: a egg

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My best ideas always come to me in the middle of my classes 🙄
It annoys the hell out of me anyways enjoy 😊 lol

Lorenzo pov
Carlo finally came in a let me go.

Oh I have plans for him.

As soon a he let me go I jumped on him while putting him in a head lock.

I punched him until his face was all bloody and bruised then I shot him in the hand.

"You gonna do that again"I question him.

He quickly shakes his head.

The nurse comes in through the door to tend to Carlo.

"You deserved that" i shouted at him before walking out the door.

Divya pov

I was in my room on my bed scrolling through TikTok until Aria came in.

I eyed her suspiciously.

"What" she asked while shrugging her shoulders.

I just shook my head.

She pulled out a box and I pointed my gun at it.

Can't trust Aria with boxes.

She rolled her eyes "it's just a donut, chill out"

I put the gun down hesitatingly and opened the box.

"Oh. My. God. ARIA"

she started laughing her ass off.

Inside was a donut in the shape of a dick.

I took a bite of it. I chocked on it when I saw the white cream filling.

This caused Aria to laugh more.

I stuck my middle finger up. I couldn't say it to her face because I was in the middle of chocking.

Glad she finds this funny.

"Bloody hell that was funny, who else found this funny" Aria pretend to look around the room like there was people in my room.

I through my slipper at her. It hit her square in the face.

Now it was my turn to laugh.

I was met with a pillow hitting me in the face.

I shot up from the bed and chased her until we reached outside.

It was pouring down with rain and where we were had no shelter, I smirked.

"No Divya no Div-" I didn't hear what she said next because I ran inside and shut the door on her face.

I'll let her inside once I've had a shower.

I slowly make my way up the stairs and into the shower.

Once I think the water is hot enough I get in.

I take my sweet time getting dressed and putting my moisturiser on.

I take a look out the window to see it hailing down and Aria standing out side, shivering drenched with her arms wrapped around her.

Ok now I'm feeling a bit bad.

I grab one of my most fluffiest towels and put the fire on.

As soon as I opened the door Arias head turned in my direction.

I wrapped the towel around her and sat her in front of the fire.

"I'm sorry Aria, I feel bad and I shouldn't of left you outside even tho you deserved it and I do not regret it" I told her while she just glared at me the whole time.

Divya Where stories live. Discover now