26: Bad dreams

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(Warning: Abuse.)


Heavy footsteps woke me as I quickly curled into a ball and pushed myself into the furthest corner I could. I was kept in a dirty old basement. My own blood covered the floor and walls as chains hung from the ceiling.

The closet the footsteps came the tighter I tried to curl myself into a ball. The door opened as light peaked through. I watched as the nice shiny polished shoes came closer and closer.

"Well well well, hello little dove." The voice that I was so paranoid by bent down to my level.

Let me introduce my abusive boyfriend Jason. Manipulative, curl, repulsive and many many more.

I was 15 at the time and he was 17. He was nice at first. Treated me like a queen, a goddess but after three months that all changed.

I didn't dare speak to him. I know the rules.
He roughly grabbed my chin with his pointer finger and thumb. "So you ready wait why am I asking you I don't care if your ready or not." He smirked.

I moved back until I couldn't anymore into the corner I was curled up into. "No, no, no, no" I mumbled continuously.

He smirked than grabbed my leg to drag me to him. I kicked my leg around trying trying to kick him. His smirk dropped as he punched me in the stomach continuously before ripping my shirt in half.


"No No NO PLEASE." I screamed as he took my pants off then his shirt.

"Love wake up. Come on. Wake up for me."

He got on top of me and kissed my neck.

"Divya wake the fuck up before I take away your chocolate."

I- I know that voice. Where's it coming from. I need it, I want to go to it.

Jason took his pants off while grabbing my boob.



I shot you up from the bed gasping for air as I frantically looked around scared, tears running down my cheeks. I saw a figure standing over my bed so I put my hands up to protect myself.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, just please don't hurt me." I mumbled over and over again.

"Amore please look at me. It's me Lorenzo I promise you I'm not going to hurt you, never in a million years." I slowly uncovered my hands from my face to see a concerned looking Lorenzo.

I grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed while hugging the life out of him. He flipped us over so he was underneath me and I was lying on his chest.

He rested one hand on my lower back while his other hand stroked my hair trying to calm me down. "Hey hey I need you to take some deep breaths with me, can you do that with me Amore." I nodded while trying to take control of my breathing but it was just getting worse.

He pushed my head back onto his chest when my head shot up. "Okay we'll try a different way then, don't freak out okay. I'll help you. Listen to my heart beat okay." I followed his instructions and listen to his heart beating.

Eventually my breathing calmed down and my body got extremely tired. I threw my leg over Lorenzo's and hugged him like I was a monkey never letting go.

He chuckled as he wrapped his hand tighter around me. "Go to sleep beautiful."

Soon darkness took over me.


I woke up still on top of Lorenzo. I sighed as I went into the bathroom to get changed. I saw Lorenzo's shirt just lying there so I grabbed it and put it over my head while going ti the mirror to tame my hair.

The door to the bathroom opened and sting hands wrapped around my waist. "Good morning baby." He said in his morning voice. His morning voice had me dripping.

Thanks now I have to change panties.

His morning voice was the perfect mixture. It was rough, husky, dark and raspy.

"Good morning." I very tiredly said back while putting my hair into a messy bun.

I turned to him "I'm sorry Lorenzo for last night. I-" he cut me off by putting a finger on my lip. "You have nothing to be sorry for Amore."

I nodded as he chucked me a pair of his boxers. "Wear them." I nodded before he walked out and into his room.

I had tried to put on his boxers but they were just to big. I even tried to tie them up with two hair elastics but no that did not work.

Fuck this shit.

I took them off the threw them not caring were they landed them walked downstairs.

Lorenzo was talking to some men at the dinning table since it was breakfast. Everyone paused what they we're doing when I came in.

Lorenzo looked me up and down but his eyes darkened when he saw I had no pants on. He excused himself then grabbed my hand to drag me away. We got into a empty hallways before he pushed me against the wall.

"Where are your pants." He asked me. I shrugged

"I don't know, they just ran away."

He looked amused "Ran away? They just grew lags and ran away." I nodded "yep just ran away."

"Go put pants on before I do it myself" he rolled his eyes and pushed me towards my room.

"Fine then." I trudged back to my room the wore a crop top that showed a lot of cleavage and sweat pants.

Let's see how he reacts to my new outfit.

I walked back downstairs, when I got downstairs all the chatter stopped. I smirked as Lorenzo's eyes got dark than changed to a murderous look when he saw all the men eyeing me.

He banged his fist on the table "Remove your eyes from my fucking girl before I cut them out. Now." When I laughed everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

Lorenzo got up then threw me over his shoulder. As he got further up the stairs I started hitting his back yelling at him to let me go "You motherfucker put me down right now or you won't have a dick any longer."

I felt a sting on my ass and jumped.

He then whispered "Punishment time baby." I gulped.


Hello people another day another chapter.

Of course I had to leave you guys on a cliff hanger.

Credit to my good friend that wrote the end of this chapter and the next chapter. Sadly she doesn't have wattpad so I can't tag her but yeah credit to her <3

Daily rant 👇🏼👇🏼

I'm at my sisters new dance school at the moment even though she just wanted to do dance because I do it. 🙄

Tell me some people can relate. Their little siblings always want to do what the older one do because it's 'cool' like no bitch it's not cool copping me.

I was this close 🤏🏻 to strangling my lovely sister today but then I got told off for wanting to do it. My god

Anyways. Hope you enjoyed my little rant.

Thank you all so much for giving my book a chance. I really appreciate it.

Xx love ya all

Divya Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя