18: Arrival

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Carlo pov

We are currently on the plane to America.
Apparently I couldn't go alone because I cant be trusted. I know rude right.

As I stared out the plane window I started to think.
I wonder how this girl that Lorenzo claims caused so much trouble for us.

Like it's only a girl.

Lorenzo's brother also came with me which I am very great full for because now I won't have to be alone and can annoy someone.

"Hey Damien want to hear this song I made up inspired by a bus." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. So I took that as my cue to sing him my amazing song.

"Ima I just get off your bus, bus, bus, bus. Because is sucks, sucks, sucks, sucks. Just like a duck, duck, duck, duck, and boom, boom, boom. Done, did you like it." I nearly laughed at his facial expression.

He got out his phone to call someone then put it on loud speaker.

"What" yep that's Lorenzo.

"Your idiot friend here just sung a song to me about ducks and busses. Please tell him to stop before I cut out his tongue." I looked at him with wide eyes and tilted my head to the side.

I heard a sigh on the other end of the phone then a chuckle. "Carlo stop singing songs about ducks and busses before I get a bus and hit you with it."

I dramatically gasped. "You know I was going to quit with my singing dream but now I think I might just continue with it so I can plainly annoy you." I smirked as he just hung up on me.

I faced Damien and stuck my tongue out at him.

He just rolled his eyes then got back to what he was doing.

I got up and went to the back of the plane into one of the bedrooms.

I decided I was going to nap for a bit because I have run out of ideas to annoy Damien.

Not much you can annoy him with when your on a plane.

I was thinking I could just rip up a magazine and shape the ripped up paper into little balls then chuck them at him.

I smirked. That's exactly what I'm going to do now.

As I looked around for a magazine I saw a vogue one in the corner of my eye.


Once I ripped the paper all up and turned them into little balls my plan was all ready.

I snuck up behind him and counted to three.




I threw the paper balls at him one by one while laughing.

It was funny watching them hit him in the back of the head.

He turned around and one of them hit him in the eye.

I limitedly stopped at what I was doing then threw all of the paper balls at him and ran.

I heard this footsteps coming after me. "COME HERE YOU LITTLE SHI-" I didn't hear what he said next before I locked myself back in the bedroom.

I face planted on the bed and fell asleep.


By the time I was awakened by the sound of rain it was 11:23 at night.

The rain was quite soothing to just listen to.

Damien came and knocked on the door. "Get your lazy ass up and in your seat, we're about to land."

I groaned and slowly got up and back into my seat.

"So what's the plan." I looked over to my right to see Damien already looking at me.

An Confused expression covered my face. "I thought you already knew."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah we'll Lorenzo being the dick he is didn't bother to tell me."

I nodded. Yeah that sounded like Lorenzo. "Once we land we will go stay at a hotel for the night then tomorrow at about 11:00am we go to Divya's house and introduce ourselves as people that where terrorists and got lost, then as we distract her I have the drug that will take her out cold, oh and she has a little friend that We're also kidnapping."

He nodded then lent back in his seat.


It was safe to say we landed pretty smoothly.

We were currently in the SUV heading to our hotel for the night.

Safe to say I am shattered.

We pull up to this fancy looking hotel with gold writing.

I can't be bothered to read what it says.

As Damien walks up to the reception I take a moment to look around the place.

Let's just say I think the owner likes the colour gold.

I decided I was going to see what's taking Damien so long just to get a bloody key card.
I walk up to reception just to see the receptionist flirting with Damien.

She was twirling her hair around her fingers and putting the top of her finger in her mouth like she was trying to bite it off.

I sighed. "Listen here would you stop flirting with my friend here and give us the blinking key card instead of trying to bite your finger off like your a crocodile." She quickly apologises while her cheeks glow a bright red in embarrassment.

Once she hands me the key card I walk up to the room leaving Damien behind.

I quickly open the door and walk to my room just to hear the front door close.

As I walk into my room I can't help but notice how nicely set up it is. It has a queen size bed in the middle of the room with silver bed side tables. The couch was placed in the right side of the room next to the window leaving the TV facing the bed.

Not going to lie I can't wait to lie down in that bed it looks really comfy.

I brush my teeth and chance into some sweats then drift off to sleep waiting for what tomorrow brings.

So how was this chapter.

I'm running out of songs atm and have writers block.

To all my writers out there if you don't agree with me that writers block is the worst then ✋🏻😑


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