1 - miss attitude 

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to my stupid alarm. I swung my arm over onto my bed side table smacking the hell out of the table trying to turn it off.

I couldn't find it so I turned my head, grabbed the clock then threw it at the wall.

It broke. Oops. Oh well not my fault.

Then I looked at the red glowing numbers that said 3:16pm.

Bloody hell

My shift at the restaurant starts at 4:00pm.

Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself.
I am Divya. Badass,cold,confident and last but not least very bitchy.
My resting bitch face could kill although I prefer my guns and knifes. I love street racing and street fighting. I don't think I'd be here today if I didn't live what I do.


I don't put up with peoples shit. You gonna do something do it, you gonna say something say it to my face like why talk shit when you can just say it to me, that is if you don't shit yourself in the middle of it.

I will beat the shit outa you if you talk shit about me or Aria or if you just simply will not leave me alone.

When I was a kid my dad got into a car crash and died. Now the funny thing about this is the cops think it was an accident but I sure know it was planned. The cops can't foul me. When I asked they cops about what they found they acted really funny. I could tell they were acting. My dad was crazy rich, he owned many many hotels and restaurants. When he died he gave all the money to me. Soon after my dads car crash my mum killed herself right in front of my eyes. That is a memory I will never forget well it's more like a nightmare.
My best friend and her mum let me live with them. Arias mum was my mums best friend so it was hard on her to.

My parents never knew about me being an assassin. Think they would be disappointed probably.

My mum was a total badass so I think that's were I got my attitude from. Oops? Oh well.

2 weeks before my dads car crash I got the courage to run away from my abusive boyfriend. I still have the light scars on my back from the whip scars he apparently 'tried' on me. I still need to figure out what or who caused my dads car crash and let's just say I will give them hell when I find out who or what did this.

I got dressed in my waiter's uniform and started to walk to my arias uncles restaurant he owns.

Arias uncle has always been a father figure in my life and I will always thank him for everything I get. If I could die to repay him I would.

After about a 10 minute walk I get to a restaurant with big fancy Spanish red letters that say Estella
(Translation star)

"I'm here bitches" I slammed the door open

Uncle glared at me " your lucky no one is here Divya"

"Sorry" but it came out as more of a question

Somthing jumped on my back and I screamed
Then turned around to see aria holding her stomach.


"DIVYA DONT YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE" I turned to my left to see my glaring uncle.


"Hey Divya come help me with the drinks please" aria begged me

I sighed then walked to the back to help her with tons of boxed filled with wine.

It felt like hours passed by the time we were done.

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