13: island

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I promise these chapters get better.
There a bit cringy and not as good at the moment but the get better I promise.

Sorry if you find this book cringy. I try not to make it as cringy.

Anyways enjoy xx

Divya pov

Once Aria and I get to my apartment we run inside and pack everything into boxes as fast as we can.

I light the SUV on fire, Lorenzo probably has tons more so he doesn't have to worry.

Aria gets all the guns and I get all the knifes.

We stuff all the boxes and bags into our car then we're off.

We're not dumb. We know he will come after us that's why Aria and I put a new sim in out phones so they can't track us and other security things in place so they can't find us.

We pull up to my privet jet.

We walk in and make ourselves comfortable while some people pack our stuff in the jet.

We walk in and make ourselves comfortable while some people pack our stuff in the jet

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"I've missed this jet" Aria said as she jumped on the couch.

I just rolled my eyes at her antics.

The captain pops his head in. "gagate est. vis nunc exue, desidero."
(the jet is ready. do you want to take off now, miss.)

I nodded my head. "sic tibi gratias ago."
(yes, thank you.)

He went back inside the cockpit.

I looked at Aria. "Well good luck to them. Try and find us now."

I opened the Champagne bottle and pored some in both our glasses.

We raised them in the air then took a sip.


By the time Aria and I had finished having our mini party it was dark outside.

One of the flight attendants came in with some food.

"domina , tribus horis terram dabimus."
(ma'am , we land in one hours.)

"gratias tibi."
(Thank you)

She put the food down and left.

I shook Aria awake.

"Mmm" she mumbled.

"Get up, dinner is here". That got her up.

She snatched her plate out of my hands.

I rolled my eyes.

We ate in a peaceful silence.

I looked out of the window to see were here.

The jet landed pretty smoothly.

Aria and I got off the jet and into our car.

We drove to my beach house.

"I still don't know how I have this much money" I shook my head as I looked up at my house

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"I still don't know how I have this much money" I shook my head as I looked up at my house.

Aria raised an eye brow at me "well I guess that's what happens when you don't spend it and your an assassin oh don't let me forget a street fighter as well"

I just gave her a smile and squinted my eyes.

We both ran inside together and jumped on the beds.

I sighed.

Thinking about everything that happened in the past 48 hours.

To how I went on a date with Lorenzo to how he kidnaps me and how I escape then that brings me here.

It's crazy really.

My parents would be so disappointed in me right now. Probably shaking their head down on me. Thinking about how they raised me better. My Parents were angles now look at me.

"DIVYA" I looked to my right to see Aria.

I hummed.

"I'm going to go for a late night swim, coming" I nodded.

We got changed into our swim suits then jumped off the balcony into the ocean water.

Immediately the warm water was coated my skin.

The salty water taste filled my mouth and I accidentally swallowed some water.

The cool breeze wizzed past my delicate skin making my hair blow back.

I looked up at the sky which was filled with sparkling stars.

I spotted the brightest one, brought my two fingers to my mouth then blew a kiss in that direction.

Aria wasn't to far away from me lying on her back.

I copied her movements.

Aria splashed me with water so I splashed her back.

That's how our water fight started.

After a while we both got out and wrapped ourselves up in beach towels.

I kissed Arias cheek as she did while mine.

We both then had a shower and let darkness take over us.

Lorenzo's pov

How the hell could I be so stupid.

Just grab someone's arm, I should of thought this through yet I didn't think a small girl could get out of the basement. No one has ever managed to do that before.

I should have kept the guards down there.

The door to my office opened, A maid came in with a tray of food.

She placed in on my desk then headed out.

I eyed the food but decided to eat it.

After many hours of paper work and signing things I looked at the time.

1:23am my clock read.

Time for the meeting with the Spanish.

I wait in my office for about 20 minutes before I decide to go into the meeting.

The Spanish are the 3rd most powerful in the mafia world, but they like to be sneaky fuckers.

This is going to be a long night.

I'm so sorry this was a short chapter;)

I'll try do better next time.

By my lovely's xx

Divya Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora