29: trouble

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I sat in Lorenzo's office until I got bored, I got up from the couch and walked over to Lorenzo and stuck my face in front of his so my head was in between his head and his computer. "I'm going to explore I'm bored. Oh and I'm going to see if there someone I can annoy." He just shook his head at me then used one finger to push my head out the way so he could se his laptop. I scoffed.


I walked out of is office and just walked around until I found Carlo. I tapped him on the shoulder he turned around to see it was me. "Oh hi- wait didn't you point a gun at my head like an hour ago." He asked me I paused "Well yes but that's beside the point." I shook my head.

"Anyways I'm here because I'm bored and I need something to do." He thought for a second "yeah okay follow me." I followed him until we ran into another person that looked a lot like Lorenzo. He sighed when he saw Carlo. "What do you want dickhead."

I like him

Carlo scoffed then turned to me "Damien this is Lorenzo's precious girlfriend." I punched him in the arm, hard. Damien chuckled "I like you." I nodded back at him. I looked at carlo. "I'm an not his girlfriend we're just trying things out." I said the girlfriend part in a high pitched voice.

He rolled his eyes at me and waved his hand as if he was dismissing me "yeah yeah potato patata same thing whatever." I just sighed and shook my head.

"I'm leaving you dickhead, good bye Damien." He waved goodbye by back as I started to walk down the hall way.

As I wondered the halls I saw a girl coming towards me just for her to grab my wrist. "I just wanted to let you know to stay away from Lorenzo, he's mine I'm his girlfriend." She sneered in my face.

I used my finger to push her head away from me. "First of all get your crust ass infected hands away from me and second of all don't come at me like that again unless you want a broken nose okay even though it wouldn't matter with all that plastic your wearing."

She did a very dramatic gasp then slapped me. I slowly turned my head towards her the gave her a punch strait to the face. I heard a satisfying crack before I saw the blood trickle down her nose. I smiled and stood back from her going to walk away before she grabbed my hair.

I grabbed her wrist that was tangled in my hair, flipped her over my shoulder, she landed on the floor with a very loud thump. Then got on top of her and started to punch the living shit out of her.

I got some really good hits in before I felt some one's hands go around my waist and pull me off her. "PUT ME DOWN YOU MOTHER FUCKER." I screamed at the person that picked me up then kicked my legs back hitting them straight in the crotch. They groaned but still didn't put me down but yelled " LORENZO YOU DICK GET HERE BEFORE YOUR CRAZY GIRLFRIEND KILLS ME, IM SCARED."

Lorenzo came running to us. Before he could ask what happened I got thrown. Let me repeat that THROWN across the room and into Lorenzo's arms.

I opened my mouth to yell at him and scream a bunch of colourful words but Lorenzo beats me to it. "You dare throw her again and I swear to god I will break every single bone in your body starting with your dick." Venom dripped from his tone that made Caro gulp very loudly may I add.

The bitch on the floor turned to him and has the mother fucking AUDACITY to say "Enzo baby help this psychotic bitch, s-she attacked m-me for no reason at a-all." She then proceeds to cry. As she sees Lorenzo comes up to her she starts smirking at me but then her face morphs into pain as he grabs a fist full of her hair.

"Ever talk about her like that again and I will put you in with my Puranas and watch then eat you while eating popcorn." My head snapped to meet his eyes as soon as he said that, I grin wildly.

She quickly nodded her head then runs off when he lets her go. I just stand there trying to comprehend what just happened but then I get hungry so I don't care anymore.

I drag Lorenzo into his office "Sit and stay, I'm going to make us something to eat okay. Okay good boy." I then pat his head like a dog then run into the kitchen that he has in the building.

As I'm looking for the pots to make pasta because I saw left over pasta sauce in the fridge, a suddenly get a thought that makes me smirk.

Just as I'm filling the pot with pasta Carlo comes in with Damien following him. "What are you doing." Carlo asks me while trying to climb the bench. I look at him the at Damien, he just shakes his head like this is a daily thing
Probably is wouldn't be surprised.

"Pasta y-" before I could even ask him if he wanted any he already shouted at me to make him some. I just nodded my head. I can't even be bothered with him at this point.

The pasta finished boiling so I strained it and placed it into five bowls, I had already gotten the pasta sauce out so I let Carlo and Damien do theirs before I did mine and Lorenzo's.

"Do you know who made this pasta sauce, it's absolutely incredible." I asked Damien as I tried some once I had finished putting it on my pasta topped off with some Parmesan cheese.

"Me, an- wait why do you have five bowls out, there's only four of us." To say I was shocked would be an understatement that Damien made this. "Oh Im going to put tomato sauce instead of pasta sauce on Lorenzo's. And oh my god you and I are going to cook together, I'm forcing you to."

Damien just shook his head at me then went back to eating his pasta. Carlo just said he is going to kill me.

I walked up to his office and opened the door. He smiled when he saw me the grabbed the pasta I handed him. I had to quickly bite into my pasta so I wouldn't laugh and I kept the door unlocked just in case I needed to run out.

He took a bite then quickly spat it out. I laughed while chocking on some pasta. His head snapped to me.


So did we enjoy this chapter. I'm sorry that I haven't posted a new chapter in a while but here you go.


Divya जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें