17: Plans

909 17 2

Lorenzo pov

I got a call from my secretary.

What the hell, why this late at night.


"Hello Mr Alessandro, I'm really sorry to bother you at this time of night but the building is on fire. The police say it was a gas's leak that you haven't fixed yet and someone made a complaint about the gas leak and that you refused to fix it."


I immediately hung up and turned on the news.

* The building Alessandro's has been burnt down of what police say was caused by a gas leak. A member of the public said they filed in a complaint but he just refused to fix it."

The TV showed my building that I had spent years on in flames.


I immediately called back My secretary.


"Listen to me and listen good. I want you to find that complaint and who filed it then report back to me. Am I clear." You could hear the anger dripping from my tone.

"Y-yes mr A-Alessandro. I u-u-understand."


I hung up after that.

Be calm Lorenzo we do not want a repeat of last time.

I took a deep breath in but that didn't work so I went outside on my balcony and lit up a joint.

The feeling of smoke filling my lungs calmed me.

I kept looking out at the view until I had to put my joint out.

I walked back to my desk to check the security footage.

Right let's see what I'll find.

I went through it but by bit until the screen when black the turned on again just to show the building on fire.


They should be working. I kept trying but it just kept showing the same footage over and over again.

My bank sent me a email.

What the hell.

I clicked on the email and started to read it.

Dear Mr Alessandro,

We have just confirmed your transaction you made.

Thank you for choosing to be with this bank.

Kind regards
The bank.


I quickly went to check the bank account I put Divya's money in.

It's all gone.

Normally it says what account you used to log in with and to transaction the money.

It doesn't say a thing.

I lent back in my chair confused.

Then it all hit me.

Stolen money.
Burnt down building.
Stolen shipments.
Girl escape.


But I cannot fully confirm that yet. I still need that complaint.

My computer dinged with a new email.

The secretary sent me the complaint.

Talk about Perfect timing.

Complaint at 11:47 am. 7/4/22

Divya Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora