25: Date

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I followed the path of candles and roses. At the end of the path was Lorenzo standing there with a bundle of roses.

I ran my eyes over his body, damn that suit looks pantie dropping on him. I looked up at his face to see his eyes running up and down my body.

His eyes met mine then he held his hand out. I placed my hand in his and he led me to a table while two silver platters in the middle. I let a smile graze my face as he pulled the chair out for me.

He sat down opposite me. "So." I raised my eye brow as he started to speak. He sighed " I-I don't know how to start off but I just want you to know I'm very sorry so so so sorry. I was a dick and made you feel awful which has made me feel like an even bigger dick.

The only reason I pushed you off me and went onto charlotte when we kissed is because I erm I was and still am scared. I'm falling you Divya and I think I have fallen further than I had ever planned. My father always told me I was a monster, I deserved no love.

When I kill I feel nothing, no guilt, no remorse or shame. My father made me a killer, made me his own killing machine and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

So I'm scared Divya so fucking scared that I'm going to hurt you or fail you. I don't know how to love Divya or what it even feels like so I'm apologising to you Divya and I never apologise to anyone. Im sorry Divya so fucking sorry."

He grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes. "Im falling for you to Lorenzo and I don't know how to stop." He froze then slowly turned to me. He grabbed the side of my face and I leaned into his touch.

"May I kiss you Divya." I nodded "I need words love." "Yes Lorenzo, yes you can."

As soon as his lips touched mine all my worries went away. All emotions were pores into this kiss. Guilt, love, happiness, hatred and many more.

He slowly and softly pulled away then smiled at me. "Let's eat." Some waiters came over and opened the silver treys. Underneath was a hot bowl of soup with pieces of bread resting in the side. It looked like tomato soup which is one of my favourite soups.

"Enjoy." I rolled my eyes and took a bite. "Oh my god this is so good." He chuckled. "Thank you." My eyes widened. "You made this." He nodded " Iv made everything for this evening."

"That's it your cooking for me everyday from now on." He smiled at me then just stared at me. I looked back up at him "what." "Just admiring the beauty in front of me." A blush covered my cheeks.

Once we had finished our soup the waiter bring over our mains. It was a steak with vegetables on the side and some red wine. "Let's play 21 questions." I suggested. He nodded as he went first. "Favourite colour." I didn't even have to think to answer "Red. You"

"Baby blue, the colour of your eyes." Once again a blush covered my cheeks.

"Favourite food." I asked.

He thought for a minute. "Arancini. You."

" Bucatini all'Amatriciana." He hummed

"Favourite desert."

"Lava cakes."

"Don't have one." My jaw dropped.

"You don't have a favourite desert." He shook his head. "We'll then I'm going to have to feed you until you find a favourite."

We went back and forth until we finished. The desert came out and it was a lava cake to share. I gasped "How I-." He chuckled "Aria told me."

I just shook my head. " of course she told you."

We sat and laughed for hour's until it struck midnight. He got up and came around to my side of the table. "May I have this dance."
"We don't have any music." He snapped his fingers and then there was music. Just then it started raining. "Perfect timing." I put my hand in his as he dragged us both out into the open and we danced to the music.

(Song up top.)

We swayed as he spun me then dipped me.
I gripped onto his forearm as I thought he was about to drop me. I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine. "So what does this mean for us." He whispered in my ear. "What do you mean." He spun me again then pulled me into his chest. "You know what I mean."

I sighed "We are jus- I don't know Lorenzo. I need to trust myself. I-I don't think I'm ready. I'm sorry I-." He put his finger on my lip. " I will wait for you as long as you need even if I have to wait fifty years. I will wait until your ready my love."

I smiled at him as we continued dancing. I sung the along to the song in my head.

The drink you spilt all over me
"Lover's Spit" left on repeat
My mom and dad let me stay home
It drives you crazy getting old
We can talk it so good
We can make it so divine
We can talk it good
How you wish it would be all the time
The drink you spilt all over me
"Lover's Spit" left on repeat
My mom and dad let me stay home
It drives you crazy getting old
The drink you spilt all over me
"Lover's Spit" left on repeat
My mom and dad let me stay home
It drives you crazy getting old
This dream isn't feeling sweet
We're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone
It feels so scary getting old
We can talk it so good
We can make it so divine
We can talk it good
How you wish it would be all the time
This dream isn't feeling sweet, we're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone, feels so scary getting old
This dream isn't feeling sweet, we're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone, feels so scary getting old
I want 'em back, I want 'em back
The minds we had, the minds we had
How all the thoughts, how all the thoughts
Moved 'round our heads, moved 'round our heads
I want 'em back, I want 'em back
The minds we had, the minds we had
It's not enough to feel the lack
I want 'em back, I want 'em back, I want 'em
You're the only friend I need (you're the only friend I need)
Sharing beds like little kids (sharing beds like little kids)
And laughing 'til our ribs get tough (laughing 'til our ribs get tough)
But that will never be enough (but that will never be enough)
You're the only friend I need (you're the only friend I need)
Sharing beds like little kids (sharing beds like little kids)
And laughing 'til our ribs get tough (laughing 'til our ribs get tough)
But that will never be enough (but that will never be enough)

Once the song had come to the end we both walked inside. He walked me to my room and kissed me on the top of my head. "Goodnight my love." "Good night Lorenzo."

I shut my door and changed into my pyjamas then went straight to bed.


So this is another update for ya all.

Do any of you have good slow date songs I'm running out.

Anyways thanks you for reading.

T Xx

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