12: Try Not To Rape Me, Ava.

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Oh, and Aiden. He was talking to me again.

"Ha ha." I said but I smiled nonetheless. Sitting alone after being ignored for half a school day really gets to a girl.

"I take that back, please rape me." He gave me his sly smile where he flipped the hair into his face and looked at the ground.

It's weird, but it was hot.

"Oh anytime." I winked at him and we burst out laughing.

"Thought about that sleepover yet?" He asked me, picking up his orange to peel it.

How he managed to do that, I have no idea. "Yep."

"So you're coming over?"


"Why not?"


"You have a boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes. "Evan's still a douche."

"I know. I heard."

"High school sluts have all the power." I mocked.

"Watch out Drew, she might try something on you." Kyle joked as he sat on the other side of me.

"Who said anything about Drew? You know I've always wanted you, Kylie." I put a fake seductive look on my face.

He scrunched his up. "Kylie?"

I nodded with a giant smile on my face as Drew laughed.

"That's a girly name."

"Oh sorry. How about Kylio?"

"That's worse."

"You're no fun, Kylester."

"Okay just stop. You're ruining my name for me."

I laughed and Drew looked at me, disbelief in his eyes. The smile fell of my face and was replaced by an embarrassed look. "What?" I focused my attention on my grilled cheese sandwich.

"You're not like other girls." He stated simply and I shifted in my seat.

Well, that was incredibly cheesy and unexpected.

"Please refrain from hitting on my woman in my presence." Kyleness said, pretending to look stern.

"No. I didn't mean it like that, Kylie. Promise." Drew said, focusing back on his orange.

Well, that was kind of hurtful and unexpected.

Kyle replied with a stiff nod. I burst out laughing at his protectiveness. Surely he was joking.

"I gotta give you your props man, you have one sexy woman."

"I know right?" They high-fived in front of my face and I used all my force to not kick them both for being so.. dumb.

"Ah, I see the whore made friends. It's about time." Ally commented, walking past our table with her little follower beside her.

One day, I'm going to slap a bitch.

"Better than being the lonely little bitch of the school." I shot back at her.

She stopped and turned around, causing her little friend to bump into her. I wish that scalding hot soup would have hit Ally's face instead of crashing to the floor.

"I'm not lonely." She hissed, stepping closer to me.

"Could've fooled me." I replied back, getting bored of her already.

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