Chapter 2 - Class Trial 3 + Scrum Debate + Closing Argument

Start from the beginning

"...What are you implying?"

"I-I'm just saying." He sighed. "I'm an innocent guy. My alibi is perfectly clear. So I want to know...How exactly I'm suspicious."

Tatsuo doesn't seem as panicked, defensive, or dismissing as Shunsuke.

Well...he does sound slightly defensive, but nowhere near as loud as how Shunsuke got. In actuality, Tatsuo seems...fine? Relaxed? Sure, the accusation startled him but he's taking it well.

This...really is weird. To be honest, I didn't even expect him to interrupt me like that.

But, I've got to show him where his alibi falls flat! That's what's important right now to move this case along!

Rebuttal Showdown
Truth Blade: Gym Records

Tatsuo: Chiyo, I'm sorry to say this but...

Tatsuo: Your accusation makes no sense. At all.

Tatsuo: You knew I was in the gym for a good portion of the night.

Tatsuo: That's my alibi, and it makes sense. I couldn't have killed Yukari.


Chiyo: According to the gym records and Hidemi...

Chiyo: You were in the gym from about 12:40 to 2 am.

Chiyo: That's only four minutes after she died, so you definitely could have been responsible for her death.


Tatsuo: That's just impossible.

Tatsuo: I could have been available before and at the time of her death, but not after.

Tatsuo: If I was occupied during those times in the gym...

Tatsuo: Then I couldn't have murdered Yukari along with moving and setting up her body.

"I'll cut through those words!"

"Huh? Did I say a contradiction?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "You just proved my innocence by bringing up the gym records anyway. So what's the big deal?"

"Look, what you're saying is true. No one could have gotten killed by Yukari, then moved her body and set up the crime scene in four minutes. That's just not possible." I admitted, and then faced him. "But that's the thing. We're all under the assumption that the murderer created the magic trick set up directly after killing Yukari."

"Wait what...?" Akihiro was just bewildered. "What does that even mean?"

"Let me just try to explain." I shrugged. "All of us are thinking that as soon as Yukari was killed, that's when the culprit took her to her lab, etcetera etcetera."

"So what are you saying...?" Shouko wondered.

"I'm saying that what if the crime scene was created later? Not as soon as she died, but let's say a few hours later." I then explained my theory. "This is what I'm thinking must have happened...Tatsuo murdered Yukari and went to the gym to secure an alibi four minutes later. Once he was there long enough, that's when he prepared the crime scene and moved the body. In the end, the magic trick may have only been set up at two or later, not directly after her death!"

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