Chapter Fifty Four

Start from the beginning

"Then why did he bring you back?"

"Why wouldn't he?" Sam interjects, tugging his shirt with a giant bloodied hole over his head "He needs us in the twenty first centruy to say yes still."

Slowly I nod my head. Althought the thought of them having it out with the Angel's back then doesn't sit well. Frankly nothing about this situation we're in sits well with me. Perching on the bed, I ask "Was it a success? Going back?"

"Well Anna is dead", Dean pats his chest, smirk barley contained on his lips when he playfully adds "And our parents our alive so we're two for two in the sucess department."

Smirking, I ask "You know what we call this boys?"


"A win", I feel my spirit picking up, repeating "It's called a freakin win."

Chuckling Sam tugs down a new clean shirt. Stuffing his holed up and blooded clothing into his duffle, "Certinly feels like a win to me."

From Sam my attention flickers to Dean. Stood middle of the room with a smile on his face. A victorious smile. "And what do you say Dean?" I poke at him from the bed, wanting him to say it too "Would you call this a win?"

Beaming he steps back towards the kitchen, calling over his shoudler "Sure. Let's call this a victory." Reaching for the cupboard, he takes out three plastic red cups. "And when we have a win", wandering to riffle through his bag, Dean unveils a bottle of whiskey "We have a victory drink." Motioning for us to get closer  I peel myself off the bed. Gratfully aception the plastic cup I hold it for Dean to pour in a small portion. "For coming back home", Dean holds his cup, placing down the bottle with a thud.

Glancing to Sam, I watch him raise his cup with a thoughtful glimmer in his eye "To Mom finallly meeting Mom and seeing Dad."

Focus falling to me, I raise my cup "To proving we can win."

With that we throw the contents back in the cup together. The whiske leaving a burn down my throat I am all too hapy to enjoy. A sweet moment of success I want myself to remember. "You know", lowering my cup my attention drifts to Sam who chuckles to himself "I really could get use to this feeling."

Draining the rest of his cup in a singe gulp, Dean claps Sam's shoudler "Don't count on it. We're still in the centre of-" He's cutt off when Castiel suddenly appears besides us. Swaying too and fron like washing in the wind. "Cas?' Dean's hand rests on his shoudler as if to steady his swaying stance.

My cups is already going down when Cas loses his fotting and falls into the brothers who fives steps ahead in grabbing him. "I made it", He touches the blood at his nose, gaze flickering around "I am... very surpirsed."


"Whoa you're okay."

"Bed", I snap my figners speeding into the kitchen as Castiel faints from exhustion. When I return I see the brothers helping lay him onto the motel bed. Our Angel out cold when he seems to understand he's in a safe place. "Jesus", I sit on the bed, wiping the cold cloth over his sweating forhead "Looks like time travelling isn't a cakewalk."

Sighing, Dean mentions "I'm going to need a double."

"Yeah", Sam pipes up "Me too."

Drinks poured a long beat passes. Silently, I hold the wet towel to Castiel's head. Not really sure what else you do for an Angel who's fainted. Can't exactly take out his battery so I suppose we will need to wait until night falls to move his body to the Impala. Can't exactly have people watching us hauling Castiel out like a murdered body.

"So this is it."

Lifting my attention Dean takes a swing from his cup. Furrowing his brows, Sam looks between us an Dean "This is what?"

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