Chapter Thirty Seven - Meet Leah

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Leah had been with me for a week. We had talked about everything, our lives, and hopes for going forward. She had made me feel in one week more loved and adored than I think I had felt most of my adult life, all between intense sessions of love making that had us in a constant state of pink cheeks, glistening skin and messy hair.

The signs were all there, that Leah was special, and that this was a little different to other loves I've had. Even though it was the early stages of our fresh start, it was pretty obvious even with such little time, that this was a rare one.

"What if they don't like me" Leah asks as we walk side by side, hand in hand, up to my parents front door.

I look sideways to her, "they will love you" I say reassuringly. She looks so gorgeous, her hair tousled in waves down her shoulders, wearing a patterned shirt and black denim jeans. "You look so sexy" I admire, biting my lip a little.

"Morgan" Leah observes "not the lip bite please"

I release the flesh from under my teeth, my plump lip springing back out as Leah pulls me into her arms and captures it between her own. A warmth floods through my entire body at the way she kissed me, so full of wanting.

"The basketball player is back" I hear from behind us. We spring apart like two teenagers caught on the front stoop after a date.

"Dad" I say finding him stood in the door with a large smile that grew as he looked between us both.

"Leah right" he asked.

She steps forward, hand extended "yes, Leah, it's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you from Morgan" she says.

He shakes her hand "call me Harry" he asks.

She nods "nice to meet you Harry" she adds "thank you for having me" she says politely.

He looks to me "Babe Ruth give your dad a hug" he says opening his arms.

I walk into them as he wraps me up "I can't keep up" he whispers into my ear.

I hold his chest with my palm flat to it and look up to meet his curious expression "I will explain"

He kisses my forehead "no need" he says releasing me and looking to Leah.
"Leah, my baby may be a grown woman with her own babies but Morgan will always be my little girl, and so I need you to promise me something" he asks her.

I roll my eyes, here we go. I look back to her and take her hand behind me as I walked back into her body. She places her arm around my waist "anything" Leah says holding me against her.

"Don't hurt her" he commands "she's got the biggest heart my Babe Ruth and it's not been looked after. I'm going to need you to look after it" he stressed.

Leah looks sideways to me "i promise" she says as her hand squeezes my hip. I lean up to kiss her.

"That's settled then. You may step over the threshold into the house of Keaton... but I do stress that you come in with an open mind. My children appear like they were dragged up by monkeys with no appropriate adult supervision but I can assure you they were all sent to private schools, educated, and brought up in a stable home" he says.

Leah lets out a small laugh as we follow him in.

"We don't really know what happened to them after Kevin, he is our first offspring. Morgan's our second born, and her arrival brought with it a slippery slope, and by the time we got to Lydia all hell broke loose and we decided to just roll with it"

"Should I be scared" she whispers into my ear.

My lips twitch upward as Blake appears from the kitchen with Lydia, the terrible twosome.

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