Chapter Eight- interrogation

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I arrive at my mom and dads for dinner, with an invitation to BBQ. My Mom, Julia, she opens the door and smiles at me, arms extended "my babe Ruth " she greets affectionately, as she pulled me into her arms. It was a nickname I had picked up as a little girl for my love of all things baseball.

"Harry our girl is here" she calls, and my dad appears.

He beams as he spots me. I didn't always come by regularly , because quite honestly I couldn't listen to my moms thoughts on my impending divorce. Annie had my parents wrapped around her finger, they loved that she took care of us all, and had the ability to offer us a good life, and they loved her, everyone did. She worked people as if that was her art form, and not art itself. I understood my parents wanting us to keep our family together. I wanted that too. It had always been the worst part, to share my children and have them have a broken family.

"Morg, I had Annie here yesterday" Dad says releasing me from his arms.

"What was she doing here" I ask.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me through the house, with my mom leading the way. "She wanted some advice on how she could fix this marriage" he says honestly, and he looks down to me "Morgan why won't you let her try and fix it"

I shrug out from under his arm and divert to the kitchen to pour myself a drink. This felt like it was descending into the evening I had expected coming over, an Annie cheering committee.

I reach into a cupboard and pull out a wine glass, and then I slowly fill it with the open white wine on the side.

"Dad she had plenty of time to fix it already, and to be honest, there's only one thing that would have fixed it...and that is if she just accepted that I need a little more, and encouraged my coaching and my own interests. Don't you think I should be allowed those things?" I ask, looking to him questionably and taking a large sip.

My dad leans against the kitchen side, his dark eyebrows knitting together under his stylishly cut short grey hair. "I do think you need more... you were and are a fantastic coach. I told her that... but Morgan you have to meet her halfway. She has a hugely successful business in New York that she can't just up and leave. You could coach up there... no?"

I shake my head and lick my lips before taking another sip. "No dad... it's impossible to get that work up there... and to the kids and I, Arizona is home. She has a gallery here too. We literally lived bi coastal our entire relationship so why can't she move. She's the one who can do both from here... I can't" I remind him.

He nods. "You seem to be stuck at an impasse" he suggests.

I nod and widen my eyes "that's what I keep trying to tell you... we can't find a solution... and I'm not giving up my career again... why should I when she has never given up one thing for me"

My dad nods and stands up straight " I get it kid... come here" he says holding his arms out, and I slip into them "it doesn't matter how old you get you will always be my little babe Ruth"

"Morgan" my Mom says coming in with a little card in her hand. She slips it into my hand "this is the most wonderful marriage counsellor..." she begins.

I roll my eyes as she slips it into my hand "call her for you and Annie... she works miracles"

I hold it up defiantly, and frisbee it across the room until it lands in the trash opposite.

"Great shot sis" Lydia observes, entering the room.

My mom shakes her head at me "Morgan your marriage will not fix itself" she says, taking the wine and filling her own glass.

MorganOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz