Chapter Nineteen - Goodbyes

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Leah had been here for three days. I would say goodbye in two, but only for a week. I would be seeing her again New Year's Eve at Teddy's club event, which honestly couldn't come soon enough. Even though she was still here with me, the thought of letting her go for a kind of sucked.

I sit with a coffee in the kitchen and look to the door as it unlocks. Leah walks in, her light brown hair pulled up in a long pony. Her sports bra and Lycra shorts leaving little to my imagination. She had been for a run. She takes out her ear pods and places them on the counter, her smile as she spots me is an affectionate one, mine as I look back to her sweaty and shiny stomach is an appreciative one. "I want to growl at you right now but I'm worried you will have flash backs to the panther, and I want your thoughts on me" I reveal playfully.

She walks over, leaning down to kiss me "did I ever tell you I dislike coffee" she says sitting opposite me.

My eyes widen "you do" I ask.

She laughs "I can't stand the smell of it" she reveals.

I look down at the dark liquid in my cup and back up to her "oh then this can't be a thing" I say playfully pointing between us "because if I don't drink the dark fuel of the devil I literally stop working"

She sticks out her bottom lip "but don't you love me more than you love coffee" she whimpers.

I slowly lift the cup, my eyebrows raising tauntingly as I look to her and sip slowly.

She shakes her head in playful disbelief "that was both revealing and brutal"

I gulp and laugh and raise to my feet, taking the cup, pouring it's contents down the sink, and letting the water wash it away. "There"

I walk away leaving her trailing behind me as I go upstairs. "Come back" she begs jovially as she chases me up the last few stairs "I love you enough to get used to it" she adds.

I run into the bathroom and lock the door "be right out" I promise as she stands outside.

I take my electric toothbrush and brush my teeth, taking my time before using mouthwash, and watching my hamster cheeks in the mirror as I swirl it around my mouth and spit it out. I wipe my mouth and turn the faucet on to let the water wash it away. "There" I say to myself as I smile into the mirror "coffee be gone"

I unlock the door to find her leaning back on the wall "you know I didn't mean it" she says.

I smile and reach for her neck, guiding her lips down to mine, tugging her bottom lip open and softly brushing my tongue against hers before pulling back as her fingers drag seductively down my hips "can you taste any coffee... smell any coffee..?" I ask, looking to her teasingly.

She shakes her head "not a dark bean of it..." she returns, and she pulls me back to her lips, kissing me softly to the point I fall against her, dreamily.

"Want to take a shower" she asks as she pulls back.

I nod against her "yes please"

I stand in the mirror, naked. My entire body clean and equally satisfied by Leah's hands and mouth in the shower. I brush out my fair hair as Leah walks in behind me, her eyes wondering over me before she wraps her arms around my bare waist and kisses my shoulder lovingly. She is in a loose white t shirt and sweats, and her hair is wet at the ends, making her t shirt damp.

"You are perfect" she whispers kissing my shoulder again, "so perfect I keep thinking this is a dream"

I place the hairbrush down and turn into her body. She takes my waist and lifts me into her arms, mine wrapped around her neck as she walks us back into the bedroom and she lowers us onto the bed. She softly strokes up and down my stomach as her kisses deepen and move to my neck, placing soft and gentle kisses along my clavicle as she lowered down my body. Her attentions turned to my breast. I close my eyes, my mouth falling open with a little whimper, because she is so gentle its overwhelming. Her touch against my skin is never pinching, and never rough. I had forgotten what that was like, to be made to feel delicate, and to be adored this way. Leah cups my cheeks and my eyes open to find her there, her bright blue eyes looking deeply into mine.

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