Chapter Fifteen- Love or Lust?

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I had been home in Texas for a couple months, it didn't make sense for me to stay in Connecticut and waste money on an apartment that I only needed April through July. My friends were all either fellow players who lived scattered around the states or they were my fellow Honey falls friends from high school.

I step out of the car at the bus terminal and await the familiar frame of my best friend since fifth grade "Jo" I call out as I spot her.

Her cheeks rise to see me, and she runs at me. Her large backpack looked like it was running behind her. It was so large it towered over the top of her head, not hard as Joplin was five foot three in flats. "LeeLeeeeeee" she called excitedly as she jumped into my arms, sending me flying backward with the weight of her bag. Her hands wrap around my neck. Her corkscrew curls tickle my nose "oh Lee. I missed you"

"I can tell" I wheeze under her tight embrace.

My face was reddening as she released me and cupped my cheeks "Let look at you" she says with the largest smile.

Joplin was so cute. If she fit in my pocket I would take her everywhere with me and get her out like a puppy for people to aww over. She was dinky, and had large dark corkscrew curls that went just about every which way they wanted. She had dark green eyes that never stopped twinkling because she was most always smiling, and her beautiful brown skin was currently sun kissed from her travels to Asia, of which she had just returned.

I reach out and brush by her hair lightly, not touching it too heavily "you let someone put this braid in your hair" I ask, looking to the rainbow colours braided into one of her curls.

She tilts her head and smiles "like it" she asks.

I nod "of course, but you've never let anyone touch your hair in your life" I say in disbelief. Joplin liked her hair to be just so, only her momma and her hair dresser could touch it.

"Usually, but ... this girl" she begins.

I roll my eyes and groan "I see where this is going ... you got laid and got a braid"

She laughs and let's me go, taking my arm as we walk back to the car "i think I'm in love... but shes from the Philippines so I've got just as much chance seeing her again as Vanessa has with you" she teases.

I shake my head and let her arm go as I open the trunk and hold my hand out for her bag. It almost takes me to the floor, as its handed over "did you bring this girl back with you" I ask, struggling with the weight of it

"I wish" she replies. We manage to slam the trunk down in a joint effort before getting into the car.

"So what's her name?" I ask.

She clicks her belt into place and looks dreamily out the window thinking about her. "Maya" she reveals, in such a mellow way I could quite believe she was high right now.

"Maya" I say in the exact same dreamy way teasingly. She turns to me and playfully nudges my arm "what is she like" I ask, starting the car and pulling back out onto the road.

"She's cute, so cute, she's only five foot two, she's got the most dreamy brown eyes...and oh my god her hair. It's so silky and long. She had a ridiculously loud laugh that didn't match her at all, and it's what caught my attention at first, this loud sea lion type laugh coming from this petite girl"

"Joplin, I'm not sure the world can take two of you... two little pocket rockets in a couple...both being cute, and one laughs like a sea lion. I'm afraid I might want to keep her if I meet her" I confess.

"You would she's adorable" Joplin says and then she turns to me as much as she can in her seat "so what happened with Vanessa?" She asks "I thought she would be a perfect match for you"

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