Chapter Twenty Two - I dont believe you

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Honey falls is as presumed, small, and cute. Every home has two flags, one for the USA and one for honey falls, and it's just as Leah described it to be, like you've fallen into a movie set. I've driven a rental from the airport. I'm a day or so behind Leah now. I'm hoping she's here, but because she hasn't had a phone it's made it impossible to get hold of her. Joplin hadn't seen my messages either, but I knew Leah's parents address where she was staying, because I had sent her flowers there previously.

I drive slow to a stop outside of number twenty five, and I cut the engine. I take in the two story home, there are two white rocking chairs on the porch with honey pot cushions, and the door still has a Christmas wreath on it. The windows all have white wooden shutters with perfectly carved details in them. It's lawn is immaculate, and the flower beds are pristine with winter bedding plants. It's gorgeous. The house itself is a mix of brick and wood, the porch being wooden and painted pure white.

I take a deep breath and drop the mirror down to check how awful I looked. You could see I hadn't been sleeping. My eyes were dark. I take out a chapstick and run it across my lips, pressing them together until I tasted the raspberry flavouring. I didn't look so dead on the outside now, not as dead as I felt on the inside anyhow.

"You can do this" I beg myself. I take another purposefully deep breath letting myself breath in and out slowly before I take my purse from the passenger seat and step out of the car.

I walk up the light stoned path and walk up the two steps slowly, my hand reaching for the bumble bee door knocker. I knock two times and step back nervously.

I hear the door unlatch, and a lady with a large, kind and toothy smile beams out at me "good golly ... Morgan right" she says reaching out and taking my hands in hers "I recognise you" she says "my goodness you are beautiful" she adds, before I can even say "hello" .

"It's so nice to meet you Sadie... you are just as Leah described " I greet, smiling back with just as much enthusiasm. Sadie was shorter than Leah, broader, and blonder, but my goodness she had the kindest eyes. Leah's blue eyes. Not to mention the kindest smile I had ever seen. She made me feel instantly relaxed.

"Lee Lee never said you were in town. My goodness I could throttle her. I would have had a welcome committee for you... I've waited so long for Lee to bring someone home" she says taking my arm and leading me into the house.

It smells like freshly baked cookies and looks so homely, as if anyone who came in could take their shoes off instantly and feel they could take a seat without anyone blinking an eye over it.

"Now let me get you a drink" she says taking off to her kitchen.

I follow her through, "is Leah here" I ask.

She turns as she pours me some lemonade and hands it to me "lemonade okay" she asks unsure.

I nod and smile "perfect thank you" I say taking it and having a sip. It's cold from the fridge and extremely welcomed after a long drive from the airport.

"She's not here honey... she stayed out last night at Joplin's. I can call over and tell her to get home... she's expecting you right?" She asks.

I lick my lips and place the glass down onto the kitchen side. "No I don't think she is... but if you don't mind I would like to surprise her... so if you have Joplin's address for me... I can go right now"

She beams "of course honey hang on there a second" she says and she takes a note pad and writes it down before ripping it and handing it to me. "our Joplin lives ten minutes west... she is cute as a button, and short as a winters day, but she's Leah's other half... you will like her. I bet she's dying to meet you too"

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