Chapter Three - A haunting

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"Morg Morg Morg" comes Teddy's playful taunting on the end of the line.

I smile and take my exit for the school. I was on my way for my last day of ball before summer, we had a big game coming up and my girls were not ready. I needed my pitchers working on their techniques and my girls up to bat needed to get on it with a little more gumption, as did the outfielders. To be honest they were all an absolute mess, my juniors had a-lot of work to do, my seniors however, were on fire.

"Dimple what do I owe this early morning call" I ask, thinking of how it must be early hours there.

"Olympia decided sleep was not for her, and so I am downstairs with her watching her play on her play-mat and trying to stay awake. Then I remembered your time zone would match up with me, and I thought... you know what... I've not spoken to my Morg in a whole month... so here I am"

"Well I'm always pleased to hear from you" I reply, turning down my stereo.

"I am amazed you answered my call" she says with a teasing tone.

I smile, because I know exactly where she is going with this "I heard you're just leaving a wake of haunted houses behind you nowadays... quite literally ghosting anything that you've touched" she teases.

I laugh "Theodora" I state firmly "not true" i return, but I guess she wasn't far off.

"I spoke to one of your victims a few weeks ago" she says with a smile to her voice.

I roll my eyes "Teddy ..." I curse.

She laughs. "Leah told me about how you upped and left her at the wedding. I defended you and explained you were not looking for a relationship, and then what should I hear yesterday at the game?" She asks.

I want to hide...because yes it's embarrassing.

"You liked the messages this week that she sent you nine months ago Morgan" she questions.

I let out a breath "it was an accident" I confess as I turn into the school and wave to another teacher crossing the parking lot. I pull into my spot and cut the engine.

"Well how does one accidentally like two messages ... minutes between" she asks me curiously.

I sigh "it was an accident I swear, but I do intend on messaging her back I promise. I just don't know what to say, because you're right I don't want a relationship, or to be honest, to see anyone more than once... for feelings sake"

"Perhaps start with ... I'm sorry for ghosting you...but I enjoyed the sex... want a rematch when you come to Arizona next week"

My eyes widen "what" I ask "what do you mean she's in Arizona next week?" I ask a little panicked.

"We are playing in Phoenix...I am in town and I was planning on taking you out for something to eat to catch up... but I have to wonder if you would rather catch up with Leah... because I could set that up" she offers.

I shake my head flustered "Teddy... no Leah... I would love to have dinner with my favourite dimple popper, and quite alone please... don't you dare bring her"

"Are you sure" she asks again playfully.

I try not to laugh because she would bring her, I knew she would. "Theodora" I chastise, and I can hear her smile "have a good day I'm heading into work now you tease"

"Later Casper" she sings, as she ends the call.

I pull up the message thread on my phone and finally make myself read her reply from yesterday

L- you just hearted that one too, and still no reply? Girl you playing me... bye.

Oh damn it, now she thinks I'm playing stupid games with her. I honestly did not want her to think I was that person who played that way. I didn't, I played, cut and ran before the games even began, and this was the reason. I wasn't into the games, not if I didn't plan on ever playing again...

M- If I was playing with you... it wouldn't be through liking your messages... you would feel it, physically! Im sorry about the miscommunication, it was an accident and I will not heart your reply's again. For what it's worth...I'm sorry for not seeing your messages. I don't check my inbox much and it wasn't on purpose.

Lies all lies.

When I leave school in the afternoon I pull out my phone and text the kids I love them. I always tex them, as soon as I leave work, and before I start. Then I get into the car and open my social media, seeing the little message tab is red with a message.

Leah Mitchell has sent you a message.

I gulp and open it.

L- Oh so you can work a keyboard... I'm shocked and stunned to find this out nine months later. No hard feelings. I know you aren't looking for anything... and I'm something ... so best look away.

L- I won't message again x take care Morgan.

Was she leaving this conversation already?! Wait, no that's not how this goes. She was cutting me off before I even had a chance to say anything. I type back.

M- You are in town next week?

... typing

L- I am. How do you know that?

M- Teddy

L- You better avoid the phoenix area. I bet you just hate bumping into someone you've ghosted. Awkward!

I smile and shake my head.

M- It would be a first... I tend to ghost over an hour radius outside of my town.

L- You have a play book... wow

M- It hasn't let me down yet.

L- Then come to town and reappear. I promise I won't run scared... I wouldn't mind staying in a haunted hotel room 😉

M- I don't know... second hauntings kind of go against the rules...😜👻

L- Different city ... almost a year later... I kind of feel like that skips around the rules. We are basically strangers again now. I can't even smell your perfume on my jacket anymore.

Oh my god. My heart began to race a little.

M- I guess ...if anything it would save me hunting time. I could just turn up and get right to it... no dancing around the subject.

L- 😮😳🥵 it's like that?!

M- 😈 send me your details when you get into town.

L- Oh, I will.

Oh dear god. I was in trouble, a lot of trouble... because I just broke a rule in two seconds of conversation with Leah. It's okay, I try and talk myself down, it's fine I'm sure it will be a brief and fun encounter that saves me a tonne of time and gets me from A to B in the pleasure department, without so much as breaking a sweat before I can return home and forget all about her again. If I thought back to the night with Leah in New Hampshire I knew that wouldn't be the case though, because it had lasted all night long. Leah was incredible, she had an appetite that seemed to match mine and her physique was strong. She turned me on from a glance, and that's another reason I never replied to her, because I could see Leah being a little problem... a problem I enjoyed having.

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