Chapter Twenty- Annie & the kids

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When I arrive in New York I am not expecting to be met by the three faces I loved the most, and Annie of course. A sign held up high above their heads "Happy Christmas Mom" decorated by our six year old judging from the dodgy looking Santa drawn beside the writing. Jamie's writing.

"Mom" they call as I appear through the  arrivals gate, rolling my small suitcase behind me.

I wave and start running as soon as I see them and as I reach them I release the bag and drop down reaching for them and bringing them into my arms "Oh my loves I missed you" I say eyes closed. "I missed you so much"

I open my eyes, stand, and reach again for Jameson to get a better hug. My almost teenager who didn't much like to hug us in public anymore.

"Hi my girl... how's Christmas prep going" I ask.

She gives me a look "Mommy has been super bossy"

I look to Annie behind them "Mommy being bossy... I don't know if I can believe it" I say sarcastically.

Annie raises an eyebrow "Not bossy... just wanting it all perfect for you" she says, and she walks over and wraps her arms around me "Happy Christmas Morg" she greets, and she kisses my cheek and releases me "it didn't much feel like Christmas until we saw your face, did it kids" she asks.

They all shake their heads "we missed you Mom... and Mommy said we can all go ice skating now" Asher says excitedly.

"Annie you know I can't skate" I say looking back to her.

She looks to me amused "you can when you hold my hand"

I look to the kids who are all excited to go and I wish I could say no, because this sounded like another of Annie's schemes to keep me close. I couldn't deny them their Christmas Eve though, nor their skating. I knew it meant a lot for us all to go together. We had never spent a Christmas apart.

"Come on then... let's go watch Mom break her neck" I say reaching for my case.

Annie takes it and smiles softly "I got it"

Gage takes my hand instead and we all walk back out to find our driver, or should I say Annie's driver.

Jameson takes my arm and walks side by side,  her eyes keep finding mine, and she looks like she is desperate to ask me something "what is it" I ask.

She smiles, a wicked smile, and I shake my head as she leans in to whisper "did you see her" she asks.

I frown "who" I ask.

She looks to me and nods as if I should know "Leah, mom" she adds quietly.

I look around to see how far away Annie is, she's a few steps back talking to Asher. "I don't think we should talk about her yet... maybe let me tell you when it gets a little more serious"

Jameson rolls her eyes "so basically you did... just admit it" she says as if I was the most annoying person in the world... which as her mom I guess I was.

"I may have" I add.

She smiles and squeezes my arm "good... I'm glad" she admits.

I kiss her forehead "I love you my girl"

"I love you too Mom" she replied with a smile.

This was better than any present I could get this Christmas, my preteen admitting she loved me, out loud! A rare event indeed.

The drive to the ice skating is filled with lots of loud and excited Christmas chat. The kids were so excited. I admit, I couldn't stop smiling, and even with Annie sat opposite me I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. She was acting strangely again, back to her passive and calm side. The intensity once again had vanished, her back and forth was confusing, but it was probably safe to assume she was working on me in some way. Although, I secretly hoped she had finally found some kind of acceptance with our situation and become infatuated with this college girl.

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