Chapter Thirty Six - Lets take a walk

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M- Congratulations on the perfect season, and if I may just say, the perfect butt, because my
god did I look at it a little much these last few weeks.... Unashamedly so! Are you ready to bring that butt to me for a walk?! Because I'm ready when you are ❤️‍🩹

L- Not a word in almost two months and you go straight in for the butt? No hello I've missed you?! Morgan Keaton, you are back! 😍 Just so you know, I've missed you! And although I've not been drooling over your butt on TV, I've been dreaming of taking your hand and going on that walk. I am ready! 💫

M- then I am waiting Leah ... where are you?! 💕

L- I am on flight 238 and due in at seven tonight, fancy a walk in the dark?!

M- just as long as it's with you... I will take a walk anywhere and in any conditions 💖

L- Be with you soon 💕

Nervous, I was so nervous. I had changed three times, and swapped shoes every ten minutes for no reason other than to keep on my feet and busy.

It kinda felt like I had waited for Leah for much longer, like years had passed on by. I knew her presence at my door would be overwhelming, but my goodness, I couldn't have prepared for it, because when the door rang and I opened it up to see her stood there, it felt like my entire body entered a drugged up state of euphoria, excitement, longing, love, lust, and serotonin surges that could overwhelm in the best way, instantaneously. I wonder how I had been without her so close for so long.

"Hi stranger" she greeted , and her lips lifted into a contented smile as she reached her hand out for mine. I look down and place mine in hers "ready for that walk" she asks.

I reach out and remove her snapback in one swift movement, it drops through my fingers to the floor as I erase the space quickly and press my lips to hers. Her hand releases mine and instead threads through my hair as she drew me closer, my mouth opening to hers as we fell into it. The longing and love came all at once, lips caressing each other's in a soft and slow discovery, a dance, and a coming together that was long overdue. As my hands ran down her arms and our stomachs pressed together, I felt our two half's collide.

I slowly back out of the kiss, it's slow because neither of us want to pull away, not really, but I really did want to just look at her for a moment.

"Hi" she says again, opening her eyes and  smiling as we part.

"Hi" I repeat like an idiot. I can't wipe the smile away, but I look her over slow, taking my time, looking into her lagoon blue eyes, and counting her freckles. I wanted to run my finger down the creases that form in her cheeks around her smile. I hadn't taken enough notice of those details, and now I wanted to remember them, forever, to take a mental picture and file it away. I run my hand up through her long brown hair and lick my lips as soon as I look to hers, her soft and perfectly pink lips, and when I meet her eyes again she is amused.

"Did you forget what I looked like" she asks.

I try not to laugh "no I just don't want to forget a thing ... you are so beautiful Leah"

My hands land on her biceps and my eyes widen "you really have been working out haven't you. George told me you spent a lot of time in the gym trying to forget me. I can see it was fruitful"

Leah rolls her eyes "that blabber" she responds  "but quite true... I did"

"I am going to enjoy discovering you again Ms Mitchell" I say with a teasing smile.

"And I you Ms Keaton" she says grabbing my waist and bringing me back to her lips once more.

I sigh a little at the soft brush of her lips against mine. "A walk" I blurt out releasing her lips.

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