???: 'the bridge between worlds

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Izuku: "I....I'm sorry Nejire" as he closes his eyes...
Eri: "PAPA!!" Crying out to him...
Nejire: "n-no"
Mirio: "damn it" as the others couldn't handle it anymore...as tamaki just looks away 
Mirio: "we should've...been able to save him...we couldn't...FUCK!!" Punching the ground as Eri now just clings to him...not wanting to let go
Nejire: "I'm so sorry....i'm so sorry Izu" as it was sad....for all of them...Izumi managed to stand up...
Izumi: "I...I did what had to be done..." 
Yuyu: "You be quiet...fucking cunt!" 
as Nejire felt something snap...she picks up her lance..>
Izumi: "huh?" 
Mirio: "nejire?" 
Yuyu: "Nej DON'T!!" as Nejire screams out and throws the lance...hitting Izumi now...seeing it go through her chest...and she collapses...turning back to Izuku now...Eri could only watch what happened as time felt like it was slowing down for them something...that cannot be explained...occurs

Izuku: "what...what is this?" waking up to see himself in a void...a large chasm that doesn't seem to end...
Izuku: "Is this...is this my hell?" looking around to see nothing...as his feet touch the cold, hard stone...a cliff...which again leads to nowhere...
Izuku: "where am i" he looks around to try and see if he could get out...the last thing he remembered..
'Papa!...PAPA PLEASE WAKE UP!!' hearing Eris voice echo 
Izuku: "eri...ERI!!" screaming out her name...as he hears other voices as well 
Nejire: "It's okay Izu...we're going to be fine...you can rest now" 
Izuku: "Nej...NO...I WON'T LEAVE YOU!!" trying to claw at the stone...trying to climb it...but whatever force is there...prevents him...
Mirio: "We wanted to save you man...but...we couldn't...we couldn't even save you" 
Izuku: "MIrio" 
Tamaki: "I just...I just wished we had done something different...something to take you out from this path" 
Izuku: "Tamaki...you" 
Yuyu: "Even after everything...Everything we've done with you...we laughed...we cried...we supported each other...and yet...you never thought...we would understand...it didn't matter who you think you are Izuku...because you will always be our friend...no matter what" 
Izuku: "yu" as he tries to climb again...trying to break through this invincible force pushing him down...he then uses his chains to try and reel him up 
Shigaraki: "We are brothers Izuku you an i...." 
Toga: "I love you Bogeyman...your just like me...you understand me" 
Dabi: "The world will burn for what they did to us" 
Ochako: "I'm glad i have you as a friend...even...even if it's just that...I wouldn't trade it for anything" hearing their voices echo out in the dark...he tries to climb...seeing the surface fade away...leaving him only on this wall...one false move...will send him into the abyss...kk
"Nejire no!" hearing her cries out for something...and then...
Mirio; "What have you done?" hearing him in disbelief 
Izuku: "No" 
Nejire: "I finished the job for him...it's the least i could do" 
Izuku: "she killed her...fuck" 
???: "Yes indeed Izuku Midoriya...the outcast" now hearing another voice
Izuku: "WHO ARE YOU!!!" demanding them to reveal themselves
???: "if you had a chance to change anything...what would it be?" hearing it talk to him...he suddenly felt all the guilt in him just...break open...how things could've gone differently..if he...if he hadn't done any of this....if he had just kept to himself...and killed only those who wronged him...refused the quirks...be done with this...and just...live out his days with Nejire and eri...and be happy for once in his fucking miserable life...
???: "I see...you do have a chance to make things right...if...you help me out with something" 
Izuku: "Just...Just get me out of this darkness..i...I can't take it anymore" crying out...as he looks above to see a hand and a light...
???: "then take it" as Izuku now climbs further up...he lunges upward and grabs it...and a light soon engulfs him...and everything flashed white for a moment....and he rubs his eyes...
Izuku: "now what" as he looks around...hearing the sound of the trees breezing in the distance...water flowing...and then he looks up to see 
Izuku: "A floating island...the fuck did i get myself into" 
???: "You are in the Astral planes Izuku" looking over to see a man there...as his shining armor and very large sword that glows and ice blue wasn't threatening enough...he tried to release chains...but nothing came out 
???: "It is futile to use your quirks...for i prevent you" 
Izuku: "who are you" 
???: "I'm sorry for startling you...i...Am Travest...I am the protector of the Astral planes...and you...have been through a lot haven't you" 
Izuku: "Astral what...your saying this is some dimension bullshit" 
Travest: "Sadly yes...you see...in the time that i've been watching you...there has been some new realms that have been keeping me...worried...but as a deity i cannot act upon them...so...I need to ask of you...to help" 
Izuku: "From one to another...become a slave to the villains...to the heroes...and now...You...because your some false god...No...I will not be bound by chains" 
Travest: "But you aren't...Believe me...if i didn't need you i wouldn't have pulled you out of that void for nothing...you are not the only one that will help" 
Izuku: I don't need help" 
Travest: "Your getting to far ahead....let me explain...these realms...they have been distorted from some unknown entity that i cannot fully understand...but...for the time being you and three others will go into these realms and restore them to their natural state..." 
Izuku: "Like what" 
Travest: "these realms are alternate universes...worlds that give out possibilities of what may happen to your world should something be different...like for starters...you" 
Izuku: "You mean...there are multiple versions of me" 
Travest: "to be precise yes...and those three...will be alternative versions of you" 
Izuku: "why three...can't you just get an army" 
Travest: "No...this has to remain hidden...and to be unseen by the higher beings of my lords above...four will do...and i'm sure you all will be strong enough to do it..." 
Izuku: "I'm still lost here" 
Travest: "these worlds are variants that need to be corrected...such as..." showing him one...seeing Eri fighting all for one with his hammer 
Izuku: eri...no!" as he was going to jump in it vanished
Travest: "that is one of them...and there are many others just like it" 
Izuku: "so what...you need me to go fix them...if you haven't seen me...I'm not exactly the type to save...i will kill everything in my path should i deem it...trouble" 
Travest: "Which is why others will be joining..to keep you all accounted for...so...what do you say?" as Izuku thinks this over...well..tried
Izuku: "you think he's lying?...." 
'I do not know  about that...but is it a chance?" 
Izuku: "I don't know...I'm...I'm not sure on how to deal with it" 
'ask whats in it for you?" 
Travest: "If you succeed and restore them...I can reverse your tragedy" 
Izuku: "My...tragedy?" 
Travest: "You can restart your world...make the right choices...and prevent everything from happening...that lead to your demise..." 
Izuku: "to start all over" 
'he's lying...you should see right through it..' 
Izuku: "but it's...what other choice do i have" 
'live and fester in the void...we both know we cannot be bounded forever...we will rise again' 
Izuku: "no" 
Izuku: "no...this chance...we...we could do the right thing" 
'your just one man against an impossible task' 
Izuku: "One man should be able to do anything if he's powerful enough!" 
'you will regret this...and will be sure to enjoy every failure' 
Izuku: "we'll see about it" turning back to Travest 
Izuku: "i will do it...on one condition" 
Travest: "go ahead" 
Izuku: "You will stabilize these quirks in my body...to...ensure i don't turn into liquid" 
Travest: "very well...but other than that i cannot interfere any longer...you will run into the other three i've sent out...i know you will do the right thing Outcast...just make sure you remember why" as he throws a card letting a portal open...seeing a dark world in there
Travest: "your task awaits" and he slowly...but surely heads right in...as it closes now Travest looks over at the other worlds...two Izukus fighting...one is a pure mechnical beast...the other...with a silver arm...wearing shades...the third...is yet to arrive...
Travest: "In time...i hope this will make a difference

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